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All About Gratitude

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I'm a strong believer in gratitude and its healing powers. I start and end each day with a list of gratitudes, sometimes shorter when I'm in the middle of a spike or flare, sometimes lovely and long ....

I often start with the great good fortune to have been born here, in the US, as opposed to many other, desperate, countries. Not that we're perfect, but we have, and provide, advantages here that few other countries can or do. Sadly, not equally to everyone, but hopefully we're changing that, day-by-day, and faster and faster.

Some days that's as far as I can take it, in which case I go thru the mantra-like recitation of all the reasons I'm grateful for that.

On better days, I can wrangle an endless list of things I'm grateful for, including the ephemeral benefits that this dreary little sack-cloth-and-ashes illness has surprizingly provided me.

I know we're all different, with different versions of this illness, different degrees of illness and incapacitation, different goals and aims, but I believe that gratitude is the one thing that will cross all borders, benefit all practitioners, enlighten everyone who gives it a shot.

There. Commercial interruption over .....


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
I'm a strong believer in gratitude and its healing powers. I start and end each day with a list of gratitudes, sometimes shorter when I'm in the middle of a spike or flare, sometimes lovely and long ....

I often start with the great good fortune to have been born here, in the US, as opposed to many other, desperate, countries. Not that we're perfect, but we have, and provide, advantages here that few other countries can or do. Sadly, not equally to everyone, but hopefully we're changing that, day-by-day, and faster and faster.

Some days that's as far as I can take it, in which case I go thru the mantra-like recitation of all the reasons I'm grateful for that.

On better days, I can wrangle an endless list of things I'm grateful for, including the ephemeral benefits that this dreary little sack-cloth-and-ashes illness has surprizingly provided me.

I know we're all different, with different versions of this illness, different degrees of illness and incapacitation, different goals and aims, but I believe that gratitude is the one thing that will cross all borders, benefit all practitioners, enlighten everyone who gives it a shot.

There. Commercial interruption over .....

Yip, he says you only have to do it three times per week if you ever decided to feed your parakeet or something.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Yip, he says you only have to do it three times per week if you ever decided to feed your parakeet or something.
I find that more is better. ANd that it's a lovely way to drift off to sleep, on the nights when I;m lucky enough to, and a helpful way to start the day, specially when I'm not doing so well.

I've taught my parakeet to feed itself, which saves a lot of time, and gives me one more thing to be grateful for.