
Senior Member
Thanks for caring. I've got accustomed to taking care of myself. Since I never had symptoms specific to a stroke of the cerebellum, I assume it must have happened as a toddler. Where I did suffer from epilepsy-like fever-fits.

I do know all my many ills, depression is gladly not one of them. Just as now, with the meniscus lesion most probably not being the cause of my frequent new joint-pains.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
wtf?! what is wrong with these people!
I find it best to keep in mind that modern conventional medicine has created somewhat of an "alternate universe". One in which they believe their education and training has given them superior skills in assessing any given health situation. They seemed to have lost touch with all human kindness and compassion (and humlity), and the ability to process or asses even the simplest of health situations.

I once read of a woman who took her child into a pediatrician's office for routine vaccines. Her child had an immediate, violent reaction to it, which the doctor was totally unprepared to deal with. So she grabbed her child and headed out the door to the nearest emergency room. The office personnel apparently ran after her asking if she would like to schedule her child's next vaccination appointment.

Modern conventional medicine has some very weak pillars that include arrogance, greed, lack of compassion and lack of humility. It can sometimes do amazing things, but we all need to keep in the mind the dangers of human vanity and ignorance when consulting with health "professionals". Even those practitioners who do have compassion and humility are often limited by the training they receive from a very flawed system.
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Senior Member
I find it best to keep in mind that modern conventional medicine has created somewhat of an "alternate universe". One in which they believe their education and training has given them superior skills in assessing any given health situation. They seemed to have lost touch with all human kindness and compassion (and humlity), and the ability to process or asses even the simplest of health situations.

In once read of a woman who took her child into a pediatrician's office for routine vaccines. Her child had an immediate, violent reaction to it, which the doctor was totally unprepared to deal with. So she grabbed her child and headed out the door to the nearest emergency room. The office personnel apparently ran after her asking if she would like to schedule her child's next vaccination appointment.

Modern conventional medicine has some very weak pillars that include arrogance, greed, lack of compassion and lack of humility. It can sometimes do amazing things, but we all need to keep in the mind the dangers of human vanity and ignorance when consulting with health "professionals". Even those practitioners who do have compassion and humility are often limited by the training they receive from a very flawed system.
this is written very good, i actually like to pin it.

i had a similiar experience with a vax a decade ago, i got the same night what felt like a massive flu with fast onset, which was gone the next day. so a heavy immune reaction. the injection was somewhat bloody, so i suppose she hit a vein or something instead of pure muscle tissue (it was upper arm injection).
i asked the doctors office is this is right.. they told me nothing to fear, and wanted to make sure they are safe by law. the only thing they cared for. are they safe for law, not say anything wrong, not admit any wrongdoing.
i learned later that doctors should upon injection do a aspiration test to see if it didnt draw blood so it indeed would go to the muscle, but they didnt seam to do it. and i also cant recount exactly what happend because i was looking forward or to the nurse and having a chatter.
thats when i learned to not have any chatter with a doctor doing examination on me or bloodwork. my first experience when my trust in the system cracked, that was few years before my first crash and before my doctor run odysee. thats when i still believed we have one of the best medical systems in the world (germany).
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Senior Member
They seemed to have lost touch with all human kindness and compassion (and humlity), and the ability to process or asses even the simplest of health situations.

Maybe their readiness to hand out prescriptions for antidepressants without requests stems from unconsciously acknowledging how depressing their treatments really are? o_O