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Sure. No problem. No, the FMTs did not end up working, but I did notice a small initial improvement that lasted about 7-10 days. The benefits I noticed were just a little bit more energy and improved brain fog & clearer thinking. It was small, but I think a definite noticeable change. I lost the benefit I think because I was taking a bunch of prebitiocs in an attempt to help the FMT grow. I think I changed my fiber intake too drastically at the time and screwed up my microbiome - having my normal biome grow & compete with the FMT. I should have kept my diet the same and let the FMT take hold naturally.i assume your FMT attempt did not work on the disease? may i ask for more details? how many did you do?
It is very disappointing that Barody cannot do it for people like us anymore. Not that I could afford to go there, but ...just very sad. damn drug companies.
My donor was a parent who eats very healthy: very little processed food, nearly all meals cooked from scratch, tons of vegetables and fiber, and far above the average number of fermented foods like kefir, pickles, sauerkraut, etc. Normal/ideal stool type #/shape.
I did 14 FMTs (1 per day for 14 days straight) in 2015. I followed the Power of Poop diy instructions/directions because a GI doctor I saw who did FMTs for C-diff explain his protocol, which was essentially the same: take donation, put in blender, blend for as little time as necessary, filter using collander, & put into enema bag (doc used colonoscopy tools).
I think I fasted for 1 day prior & did a DIY cleanout with Miralax & magnesium before starting the FMTs. But after the first FMT, I kept a normal diet and just made sure to have a bowel movement before the day's FMT.
I wanted to restart doing the FMTs after seeing the slight benefit and learning I screwed it up from the prebiotics. But unfortunately, my donor coincidently developed IBS-D shortly after and no longer had a good potential donor. We think it was caused by eating some cheap, non-organic pork that had antibiotics given to the pig.
Eh, I don't think it would matter much. I think the most important factor is the donor, which you don't know what you're getting with a clinic besides a safe and screened donation. The clinic donors could be recreational drug users or obese or have mental health issues like anxiety or history of depression. I think you need a donor with a perfect health history, no history to antiobiotics, elite fitness level, type-a personality type. etc. is most important. There's too may variables and not enough of the science of microbiome is known yet. But in our situation, any donor we can find will have to do.It is very disappointing that Barody cannot do it for people like us anymore. Not that I could afford to go there, but ...just very sad. damn drug companies.