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Advance decision / living will


Activity Level 0
I would like to get an advance decision/living will to prevent myself being taken to hospital against my wishes and if necessary to refuse food etc. (UK)

I am completely bedound and 99% of the time can't physically speak, but my GPs don't understand the problems associated with M.E., they told me recently "everyone can go to hospital".

I communicate with everyone by email/messaging, but my GPs will only communicate via the receptionists "because doctors aren't supposed to give their work emails to patients". So instead of having an appointment I email the receptionists, they tell the doctor, the doctor tells them what to reply, they email me back.

How hard is this going to be?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
It's that simple? I don't need psychiatric evaluation?
It is that simple in the US, but the UK may be different. I've seen different forms that specify very clearly what you do and do not want. In the US, you just fill them out and sign them. The wording on the one I have signed reads: "If I reach a point where it is likely that I will not recover my ability to interact meaningfully with my family, friends and environment, I want to stop or withhold all treatments, other than comfort care, that might be used to prolong my existence." And then you can choose the specific treatments you want withheld.

The form I have also lets me to designate an "agent" or healthcare decision maker, if I am not able to do so myself.


Senior Member
South east England
It's that simple? I don't need psychiatric evaluation?
No you dont need one to make a living will, or instruction that you do not want to be admitted to hospital, or that you will refuse food. But there is a problem with all this. In the circustances that you are describing it is possible that you could be sectioned under the mental health act and forced to have treatment including artificial feeding. As far as I am aware it is ONLY people who have been sectioned who can be forced to have treatment. Best advice I can give you about this is to make a living will which includes how you want to be treated (or not treated) and insist that a copy of it is in your medical records. Other than that i will just say this: There is a LOT more research being done into ME/CFS, progress is being made. And thats the truth. NO bullsh*t. So dont write yourself off. You have lasted this long. Stay with us. :thumbsup::hug:


Activity Level 0
But there is a problem with all this. In the circustances that you are describing it is possible that you could be sectioned under the mental health act and forced to have treatment including artificial feeding. As far as I am aware it is ONLY people who have been sectioned who can be forced to have treatment.

That's what worries me.

Other than that i will just say this: There is a LOT more research being done into ME/CFS, progress is being made. And thats the truth. NO bullsh*t.

I'm not convinced :)

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Does anyone know how @Wolfiness is, please? There has been no contact for months now.
Oh, crepe ..... I just found this thread, and I'm left with a sinking feeling ....

@Wolfiness , if you're up to it, could you drop a word? Or even just an emoji (I know they're called 'smilies',but that doesnt feel appropriate under the circumstances)? Anything would be fine. And welcome.

Pardon my barging in @Countrygirl .... I feel like a gate crasher, having not participated earlier in this thread ....

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Oh @Wolfiness ....THANK YOU for checking back. I'm so sorry that things are still wobbly and still bad, but you're still here, and where there's breath, there's hope.

I'd given up. You've improved my day !!!!

PS ... You might want to check out the two links that @nyanko_the_sane posted for you, just above. I found his/her input to be solid and well-considered ... sending you one of those useless but heart-felt cyber hugs...:hug::hug::hug:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I can't keep going much longer. Communication and feeding and toileting myself will be too difficult within weeks.
If you're up to it, and in the most basic brief form, can you give us some idea of the issues you're dealing with? It's possible that a few of the members here have dealt successfully with at least some of wht you're dealing with, but without knowing what that is, it's hard to tell ....

We've all become pretty good at filling in some of the blanks, so dont feel that a whole lot of detail is needed right now. Just the basics, we can ask questions if we need to. You dont need to be any more stressed than you are right now.