Silicon, I want to try chinese herbs again. Problem is, I can't find a good accupuncurist/herb doc in my area. There is the chinese woman who doesn't know how to speak English and says in her thick dialect....ACCUPUNCTURE cures everything. She says this to all of my ailments and then hands me a ton of pills in herbal form. None of which I know what they are. Then there is the woman in Philadelphia who charges an arm an a leg and doesn't understand why I am not getting better and becomes defensive. She doesn't understand my illness at all. But, I have been thinking of that route again.
I have the book adrenal fatigue. I have read it and I know what one is supposed to do. My problem is, I can't do it completely. I have CFS, Interstitial cystitis, etc. So, with all of these ailments, I can't seem to get better adrenals. If it's not one thing it's another. I supposed if I was truly cashed up, I could just rest and take care of myself and not work and get better. But, then I would have a sense of isolation which makes the situation worse. I live alone and have no support in this deal. My mom just told me yesterday...."stop talking about all you've lost and learn to live with it." I am livid. She always has to say something like this. I have learned to live with it. I take care of myself and work and take my trash out and do EVERYTHING myself.
I spend most of my time alone due to needing silence and rest. This is not easy to live with.
To Knackers, I am not sure. I came down with eBV years ago and that was it for me. I had a horrible flu like illness and that was the end of my "well" life. Then I stayed sick, was on all kinds of meds, developed endometriosis and everything else under the sun. Now my adrenals are shot.
I have all the symptoms. Exhaustion, no feelings of zest for life really, no sex drive ever, awful periods, can't wake up in the morning (although right now I am awake due to a bladder infection on top of everything else)
The hardest part of this illness to me, is the isolation. The fact that I have NO ONE to confide in and I have to ride out all of this stuff alone with no help. I know many of us do that. It's just so hard.
I called my doctor to tell him the miladregen didn't work for me but made we worse, and I get a nurse. No response from him. That's so frustrating as well.
These docs really don't have answers. They just hand out stuff and see if it works. For me, something makes me sicker or doesn't work at all.
The peptide shot is still helping me with foods, but it isn't helping me with other aspects of this illness. Like, the immune system. It's just lightening the load of food allergies to boot which I am really grateful for.