I think the first thing to do before embarking upon any supplementation regime is to take a salivary cortisol test which measures the production of cortisol across the day.Hi everyone,
Reviving this thread a year later. I have symptoms of both low adrenal and low thyroid function. Whereever I have tried treating just the thyroid, my adrenals become further crashed. Similarly treating just the adrenals with glandulars or DHEA has either not been effective or produced unbearable side effects. I've recently started herbal remedies to balance and support all hormonal function. I've started raspberry leaf and vitex. As my main guidelines for symptom improvement I would would like to increase my low basal body temperature for thyroid and lessen orthostatic issues for adrenals. I am also considering both evening primrose oil and natural progesterone cream in the future. Most people taking these seem to be otherwise healthy people working on their fertility or menopausal issues, but I think it would be interesting to see how these supplements work in those of us with broader HPA and thyroid axis issues.
Additionally, I'm considering adding pantethine for adrenal support but am wary of causing side effects. I took pantethonic acid a couple of years ago without much noticeable benefit but did not try pantethine.
Any discussion on these supplements from people with ME/CFS would be appreciated.
HC saved my life. Tiny doses of dexamethasone got me out of bed. Now 2.5 years later, I'm on no steroids and feeling better than I have in years. My brain seems to be directing my adrenals properly again. None of that would have happened without replacement doses of missing hormones. It was an integral piece of the puzzle.HC equals scary! Not going to try that one.
Question - infections causing problems with steroids - does that include gut infections like h. pylori, or candida? Because I have a lot of those, but not really viral infections that I know of.
In another thread you mentioned some form of aldosterone from a compounding pharmacy... Could you elaborate upon how it is used, what tests need to be done before you start using it?, Etc.
Preg can help with progesterone levels once u start increasing the dose.I just tried 2.5mg pregnenolone. I bought it a year ago and never tried it. I wasn't really expecting it to help since I think I need progesterone now, not the other hormones. I think I will wait a few days and maybe try this amount again to confirm my reaction. Right now I just feel weird. No way to know if I'd be feeling weird anyway but it seemed to come on within the hour after taking this. It's source naturals, 10mg, 1/4 of a tablet. It's not outdated.
I have heard it can act like a benzo but thats normally in high doses but anything is possible in us i guessheapsreal: if anything my head feels more fogged over and bleary, also a bit sickish. I tend to think of these as estrogen dominance effects or low thyroid effects. I was kind of expecting a wired, fast pulse type effect like I got from DHEA but almost seems opposite. Calm energy is waht I would like to foster, and that seems to go along with progesterone. With this I think my system got almost instantly confused or something. Possibly since pregnen is the precursor to so many things.