Adrenal Insufficiency Testing?


Senior Member
How much lithium is in the lithium orotate I would be very careful about taking this supplement. Lithium needs to be monitored by a physician plus blood tests. I was given Lithium and became toxic within two days. Although this is unusual, like many of us here, we are sensitive to a lot of medications.. Sudefed can make you drowsy.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
It says 10 mg of Lithium, I take one mid day (since that is when I seem to get up most times). How did you know you were toxic? I'll assue you had a blood test... Were there symps? I thought I read here that the Lithium Oratate did not actually increase serum level Lithium but then it would not be the first time I was told "this wont affect you or have any side affects" and 'they' were dead wrong. I also noticed my tinnitus is louder, another indication I am having some kind of reaction to something....argh....will it never end (reactions/symps)

Sudefed is the non-drowse variety. It feels like I get when I'm having a reaction to meds that I take for more than a day or so. I will stop the sudefed and see if the sensation goes away.


Senior Member
Forgot there is the non drowsy Sudefed.:rolleyes:

I developed symptoms such as had difficulty getting the words out that I wanted to say, couldn't walk a straight line and generally out of it. The doctor told me to immediately eat something salty including salt mixed with water to counterbalance the Lithium. This stopped the symptoms in a couple of hours So by that time a blood test would have not have been useful though I would really have liked to know what the reading would be.

If the supplement does not raise the level in the blood, would it benefit someone in other ways?


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
Having trouble getting words out has been a symp of my illness periodically.

As far trouble walking I have noticed over the last week or so I find my self off balance, always to the left. Some days no problem, other days slight off balance but one day tryig to walk to the kitchen I started walking and fell into the bedroom door, I just went over, righted myslef started walking about 4-5 ft and fell left into the bathroom door frame, righted myself and wobbled into the kitchen. Very bizarre experience.

I found (it might have been in the 'Lithium Expereinces' thread) someone mention or have a link that mentioned lithium orotate did not show up in the blood test unlike the Rx lithium that does.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
A review of Adrenogen

Dr wants me to now add Metagenics Adrenogen. Anyone use this? Postive affects? I really dont want to but another supplement that doesnt help. How long have to take for benefit or see results?

Metagenics Adrenogen®: 90 Tablet Bottle or 270 Bottle

Adrenal Nutrition for Functional Support.

Metagenics Adrenogen helps regulate hormones by providing high quality nutrition to the adrenal galnds. The adrenal glands are responsible for producing the adrenaline hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. When these become unbalanced, a myriad of symptoms can ensue. Some of which are unregulated blood pressure, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness and irritability. To ensure your adrenal glands are getting all of the proper nutrients they need to remain balanced and healthy, Adrenogen is a great product.
Adrenogen Recommendations:
  • One tablet three times daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • If pregnant or nursing, please consult your healthcare physician.
What is Adrenogen?
Adrenogen provides nutritional support for adrenal function by combining high-quality nutrients that are involved in hormone regulation. The body's adrenal glands produce stress hormones, steroid hormones, and blood pressure-regulating hormones.
  • Delivers a select blend of B vitamins involved in adrenal hormone production.
  • Provides adrenal concentrate† that is guaranteed raw (processed below 37°C) so the natural constituents remain intact.


Metagenics Adrenogen® Ingredients:

10 mg
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl)
25 mg
Pantothenic Acid (as D-calcium pantothenate)
50 mg
Raw Adrenal Concentrate (bovine†)
80 mg
para-Aminobenzoic acid (PABA)
25 mg

Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, cellulose, calcium silicate, croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, silica, magnesium stearate.
†All bovine glandulars found in Metagenics products are imported from New Zealand.
New Zealand has an active government-monitored BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) surveillance program and no known cases of BSE.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
Thought I would update this thread. Saw Endo for second time today (8 weeks after starting Levothyroxine). She asked if I felt better, honestly I dont think I am better, about the same but not as bad as July/AUG. She was going to stop the thyroid med since my TSH was 1.5 and my FT4 was still 0.90 and I wa snot much better. I was sick during this visit so it is hard to say am I better. Do I have energy - no; am I finally able to do sustained tasks and catch up on all I am behind on - NO. So based on labs I will probably be losing the disability I just got approval for. She said my thyroid and adrenals are fine (based on past STIM test), that my body can handle the stresses of life and illness.

She then suggested group psychotherapy for me to pursue, I shut down as soon as she said that. She admitted she did not know me and needed to defer to my GP. She also took another jab at the supplements I'm taking and implying they might be causing my problems. Anyway, good that my numbers are back (she kinda chastised me for getting Cortisol and ACTH test again since I saw her last and told she could se no reason for me to need those tests again. She again said she could not explain the low ones before but dismissed them. She wasnt going to see me for a year but changed it to six months.

Another medical dead end ..... very discouraged, very little sleep last night, lungs burning due to catching some bug. I am rarely out and yet I catch these dang colds/bugs....argh

If the IGenex test doesnt show Lyme then I give up......


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
I dont know. I really have come to the end of my rope dealing with doctors. Going to wait on IGenex results and if they are negative then I guess 8 years of up/down and mostly down health these last few years is really just in my head.....otherwise tests would find what is wrong.....

I just dont want to see anymore doctors. I dont even want to get insurance coverage at $600 a month but next year our US government will force all Americans to have coverage. I looked into the premiums and deductibles and it is stunningly sad what is being done to a medical model that is already seems to me on its last leg (not very effective).

Maybe if I get some rest the rest of today I will regroup for tomorrow but as fo today and after this doctor visit I just dont have any energy to care anymore.


iherb code TAK122
Hope you feel better tomorrow.... Ema's right - don't give up.

We've all been there - one dead end after another with docs and many thousands £'s down the drain, but just keep hope that you'll find something/someone that will help you feel better. And as you said you DO feel better than you did in july/aug, so that's a positive.

Dr My-hill says
DON'T EVER EVER EVER GIVE UP - this sentiment is in her heart and her work with patients, its infectious, hope you can find someone like her.


Senior Member
I am so sorry you are going through such a rough time. We have all "been there done that" at one time or another, so we know how you feel. The most approrpiate wording I can think of without getting justifiably monitored, is that this sucks.:lol:

But, because we are all in it together, because we all get it, we can be there for each other. Sometimes by giving comfort to others, sometimes receiving that much needed comfort.

The frustrating thing is that our tests are "usually" normal but that doesn't mean we aren't sick. So please don't think it's all in your head because it's not!

I can only speak for myself, but over the years, since this DD, I have had a few abnormal tests such as low sodium from a medication, low ferritin which is a form of anemia, hypothyroid, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, etc. etc, which even with interventions, only had a modest effect on how I felt. While it is reassuring that bloodwork is normal and frequently monitored ( I have been blessed with great healthcare.), as my neurologist said after getting my sleep issues as resolved as possible, don't be surprised if this doesn't cure you as you still have the fibromyalgia.

What helped me get disability, which thank the gods, is private with the state, is the way my doctors word their reports, such as fibromyalgia with chronic pain, chronic sleep issues, while resolved as much as possible, still impact ability to function, and listing what these impacts are, really helped.

I didn't mean for this to be such a long post to say "hang in there", but it's truely what I mean.

Take care, eat lots of chocolate and here's a kitten for hugs.:cat:
Not sure if this is useful to you Roxie, maybe worth a read here. It's about 2 UK CFS/ME patients and their journey to try and get proper testing for adrenal and pituitary symptoms.


ventually, we found an endocrine team who were prepared to conduct further investigations. The glucagon stimulation test [1], revealed deficiencies in both growth hormone and cortisol, a steroid hormone essential for life. Our diagnosis was changed from CFS to pituitary dysfunction caused by autoimmune disease.


My own experience was that the Endocrinologist I saw (UK NHS) did not take my saliva tests seriously. He did an early morning blood cortisol test (which was low) then a short synacten test (which was blunted) but as neither was low enough for Addison's disease he discharged me and refused any extra testing or help.

Has anyone considered mercury poisoning as the cause of the pituitary not working? Dr. Andy Cutler asserts that mercury from sources such as silver mercury amalgam dental fillings, fish, vaccinations, and numerous other sources are taken up by the entire body, but predominantly by the pituitary, hypothalamus and adrenals. He has written a book on it: Many people claim to be cured of all diseases by utilizing his chelation protocol. I am still trying to get myself at baseline before starting chelation, but am having problems getting a doctor to help me with this. I believe that I am currently too sick to move forward on this as my body can not tolerate any medications (no doubt including hydrocortisone and thyroid hormone) nor can it even tolerate supplements. Just wanted to share this information with people who may be in a better position to tolerate chelating supported by thyroid/adrenal supplementation and other vitamin supplements.


Senior Member
I've not considered mercury as all the tests I have had for poisoning have been negative plus my symptoms started before I had any dental fillings.

I know people who have had their fillings removed and done the chelaton protocol but no cures. There are people who report cures and I do accept that this is a factor in illness for some of course. Just wish there was a way of telling who this would work for.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
not sure where to post my latest dheas and cortisol results. if there is a thread focused on these test results let me know.


Saliva DHEAs 8AM - 2.45 nmol/L Range 1.60-18.50 Low for AM

8PM - 6.00 nmol/L Range 1.00-10.50

12AM - 3.15 nmol/L Range 0.80-8.30

Saliva Cortisol 8AM - 0.80 nmol/L Range 5.50-24.80 Low

12PM - 1.54 nmol/L Range 3.80-13.20 Low

4PM - 1.36 nmol/L Range 2.20-9.40 Low

8PM - pending - sample hemolyzed

12AM - 7.48 nmol/L Range 0.80-3.30 High

4AM - 3.25 nmol/L Range 1.10-9.40

Estridiol (E2) 1.14 pg/ml Range 0.5-1.5

Progesterone 159.00 pg/ml Range 40.0-95.0

Testosterone 16.70 pg/ml Range 7.0-31.60


Senior Member
Midwest USA
not sure where to post my latest dheas and cortisol results. if there is a thread focused on these test results let me know.
Were all these cortisol samples saliva? Or blood? I don't understand how saliva can be hemolyzed?

I'm really worried for you with those low cortisol levels. I really think that needs to be addressed so you can also increase your thyroid meds more to become un-hypo and kick your immune system into gear to fight the infections.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
@Ema These were all saliva. I also wondered, they claim their tests ate very sensitive and saliva cortisol test is compromised if any blood in sample. I don't think it would be too hard, gums cheeks don't have to see red for some blood cells to be present. What I find unusual is they said I could resubmit the 8pm sample. I objected that entire 24 hrs test needs to be redone but they said cortisol levels in same time period don't change that much. I am skeptical but no proof their statement is not true.
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Senior Member
Hi Roxie,

Those numbers are really low. What testing company did you use? Are you currently taking cortef or another cortisol replacement compound?