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Activation of Antiviral Protein Kinase Leads to Immunoglobulin E Class Switching in H


Kelly J. Rager,1 Jeffrey O. Langland,2 Bertram L. Jacobs,2 David Proud,1 David G. Marsh,1 and Farhad Imani1,*
Asthma and Allergy Center, Division of Clinical Immunology, Department of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21224,1 and Department of Microbiology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 852872

Received 25 July 1997/Accepted 20 October 1997

An epidemiologic association between viral infections and the onset of asthma and allergy has been documented. Also, evidence from animal and human studies has suggested an increase in antigen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) production during viral infections, and elevated levels of IgE are characteristic of human asthma and allergy. Here, we provide molecular evidence for the roles of viral infection and of activation of the antiviral protein kinase (PKR) (double-stranded-RNA [dsRNA]-activated protein kinase) in the induction of IgE class switching. The presence of dsRNA, a known component of viral infection and an activator of PKR, induced IgE class switching as detected by the expression of germ line in the human Ramos B-cell line. Furthermore, dsRNA treatment of Ramos cells resulted in the activation of PKR and in vivo activation of the NF-B complex. Interestingly, infection of Ramos cells with rhinovirus (common cold virus) serotypes 14 and 16 resulted in the induction of germ line expression. To further evaluate the role of PKR in the viral induction of IgE class switching, we infected Ramos cells with two different vaccinia virus (cowpox virus) strains. Infection with wild-type vaccinia virus failed to induce germ line expression; however, a deletion mutant of vaccinia virus (VP1080) lacking the PKR-inhibitory polypeptide E3L induced the expression of germ line . Collectively, the results of our study define a common molecular mechanism underlying the role of viral infections in IgE class switching and subsequent induction of IgE-mediated disorders such as allergy and asthma.



Oh My Days - does this mean my asthma, allergies and CFS could all be related?
Nuts, I really wish that this hadn't made me desperate to get more news about XMRV... I can barely wait as it is.
Mind you, I'm not really a Biology expert (putting it mildly) so no doubt somebody will come along and shake their head at me :)


''dsRNA treatment of Ramos cells resulted in the activation of PKR and in vivo activation of the NF-B complex''

I wonder if NF-B complex is anything to do with NF-Kappa B that is linked to XMRV?

I think NF-Kappa B is linked to Inflammation.

Dr. Yes

Shame on You
Hey DXMRV, freeprisoner, Diesel...

Yes, NF-B is the same as NF-kB. The problem is only that the "k" is supposed to be the character "kappa", which isn't supported by most fonts/print media.

I developed intense multiple allergies and very high total IgE a few years after getting what to all appearances is viral ME/CFS, and they keep getting worse! (Though a lot of otherwise healthy people have have been developing new allergies in the last decade or two.) Still, this seems to be a very common finding in ME/CFS. Up til now the prevalent explanations have been that "it has something to do with the whole overactive immune system thing" or to fungal toxins/ infections, or to "leaky gut". This study is the first I've heard of that suggests a close link to viruses; thanks for the find, Diesel!

Btw, the title of the article got cut off; I just checked and it's:

"Activation of Antiviral Protein Kinase Leads to Immunoglobulin E Class Switching in Human B Cells"


Thx Dr. Yes. Same problem here. Very high total IgEs and lots of allergies. Leaky Gut definetly is part of the problem but I don't even tolerate the supplements whch are supposed to help with it. So I keep a very strict diet and hope my body calms down.

I think the title didn't fit into the headline and unfortunately I cannot edit it anymore. Sorry.

Dr. Yes

Shame on You
Hey Diesel,

Do you have allergies to molds? (or pollens?) I've been reading about their possible involvement in CFS, including as co-factors with viral infection. Molds also seem to be my most severe new allergies. I have a whole bunch of new ones, incl. food allergies, but most are "mild" according to standard testing, except for the mold ones. It seems in my case the total IgE is so high because I have developed allergies to a massive number of things; so far I haven't found one that is making a stunning contribution by itself.

You mentioned that you can't handle the supplements for leaky gut... which ones are you referring to? i.e. do you react badly to probiotics as well?

My allergist doesn't think it's wise to try allergy shots since I'm so reactive, incl. severe allergic asthma. But that leaves basically nothing for me from the allopathic front; she suggested Xolair (omalizumab) as "something to think about", but I'm still uneasy with the idea of a new product that so directly interacts with the immune system (it binds to your IgE) and which seems to be associated with a significant rate of cancers of all types. (Perhaps not the best thing to be on if you suspect you have XMRV?)

Anyone else here besides Diesel and me have high IgE?


Hi Dr. Yes,

seems I'm allergic to everything. I still haven't figured out what is causing this. For leaky gut I tried glutamine (problems with glutamate), carnosine, lysine etc.. Probiotics helped best and I certainly would try them (bifido longum for example) but now even they cause problems. By the way Align really helped me.
I read that if you have increased intestinal permeability it might not be wise to insert lots of bacteria since some of them could make it through the barrier.

I'm quite sure that this reaction is caused by a virus. I can take liquid vitamin d for example and feel bad reactions within 10 minutes sometimes. The drops dont reach my intestine but still cause problems.

Right now I'm thinking that it would be the biggest gift on earth to be able to eat more than rice and meat (no sauce of course) again.

I would be careful when trying antiallergic medication. They all made it worse for me. They give relief for 1 or 2 days but then a backdoor mechanism seems to kick in. I think we need a virologist, not an allergologist.




Senior Member
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I wonder if there has been any follow through on this finding?

When I got diagnosed with CFS, I had extremely high IgE. Some years before that, (soon after possible "trigger" of my CFS, in retrospect), I got bad allergies. Even got allergy shots for over a year, did everything the allergy doc said..until I couldn't make it for the shots any more.

Both my allergy symptoms and my IgE did go down after rest and symptom treatments - after a long while - but I didn't know enough to track the IgE with symptoms - I probably didn't have the tests often enough to notice.

Our immune systems are a big part of the CFS/ME mosaic, though maybe not the same for all of us.
