ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
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I used to be very much a night owl in the hours I kept before getting sick. I also have overactive mast cells, so histamine (the wakefulness chemical) is a big problem - once I awake because of the bladder, it is very hard to get back to sleep.
My bladder wakes me at ~200ml. Or with less volume, if there is a lot of acidity. (Or with strong spices before bed - but that one's easy to correct.) Or with much less bladder volume, for reasons I haven't identified yet. awry (NSAIDS or flavonoids like tart cherry) usually help - now thanks to you I understand why. Potassium citrate usually helps me delay the bladder wake-up-call. Exercise usually helps me sleep longer.
Melatonin 30g does nothing. The typical talk of sleep hygiene is to me like attacking a Sherman tank with a styrofoam cup.
My question: what else besides K citrate and anti-inflammatories could you recommend to reduce urine output - within the backdrop of pH or anything else? (I'm excluding prescription meds like desmopressin.)
Okay, a quick followup question if you don't mind: from what you know of polyuria in CFS, would it be wrong to try and reduce urine output? In other words, is the system getting rid of excess bad molecules and so that shouldn't be impeded? Or is the system just gone awry a la` D Insipidus and not making enough Anti-Diuretic Hormone, so in that case the excess urination should be impeded?
Thanks again.
I'm not Steve, but I've never heard of histamine being called the wakefulness chemical before. There is lots of info here about histamine.
Re polyuria/DI and ME/CFS, there are some abstracts here.
I have posted links to some of them in at least one other thread, so maybe if you do a search for key words in the abstract(s) of interest and my name as author of the post you will find them, or just do a simple internet search - that usually finds things.