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Acetyl l carnitine side effects


Senior Member
Southern California
I have been taking a product that has combination of Acetyle l Carnitine and Propionyl l Carnatine (2000mg each)
on daily basis for the last month.
I initially started this to see if I can get rid of my headaches and it worked like a miracle for me. ACL dilates blood vessels and I (unlike most people) have constricted blood vessels due to over methylation and low histamine, and this has worked like a charm.
Furthermore, it has made my mind sharper and has had some sexual advantages due to improvement of blood flow which I was not expecting, but I will take :)

Anyways, the only side effect I am having is loose stool. I read somewhere that there is a form of Carnatine that
effects the tone of intestines and while it can releif some from constipation it can cause loose stool on those who did not have constipation to begin with....

So Does any one know which one of the 2 forms of Carnatine I posted is the one that is most likely causing that?
Reason being I am thinking maybe I buy the form that does not separately and try it and see if I get the benefits without that side effect ...

Anyone familiar with this supplement's side effects? which form is the one that's likely to be causing this side effect?
Thanks so much,


Senior Member
South of France
Hi ! I take L-Carnitine since 2.5 years !
At the begining, it was a FM's friend that told me some doctors give it for fatigue in FM people.
Then i read some trials about that.
I learn L-carnitine can help the fatigue of AIDS patients, MS patients, and even in ME patient ( one paper i read on the net it was several years, i try many times to found it again, but impossible, grrr))
After i read too, that ME sufferers have ( much less) carnitine level than healthy people.

So i decide to try it.
It was my " pain doctor" who accept to prescrib it to me.
When i beggin to took it, ( 1 to 2gr per day), ...exactly 20 to 30 min after, i feel more energy , more cognitive, but more energy was the most notable.
It was so incredible, so i told myself " i'm sure it is an anabolisant" :-o

So i continue my readings, and I note that supplementation in L carnitine in healthy people do not do that for them ( this " anabolisant effet".- better said : not like an ME sufferer)

So i took it , 1 to 2 gr ,
but i decide to making cures, should or would be detrimental to my kidneys, my heart, etc. (since little information on long-term use)

So here two and a half years that I enprends regularly, making cures: 6 weeks to 1 or 2gr and four weeks without.

And always the same benefit.
Very important: it prevents muscle wasting, (our forced inactivity)

I did not know, however, that he had a vasodilatory effect (which explain why I feel better when I take it lol, and the fact that I feel it like it was an anabolic.)

Ah! And I confirm that ME have lack of L-Carnitine: in my blood test and my muscle biopsy, it has be seen

and then, on diahréas is when you take it on an empty stomach ;-) must take it when eating, you'll see that you shall have less ;-)

otherwise not notice other side effects than loose stools too, for 2 years and a half that I take
and you, you'll take how long?

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Senior Member
Southern California
Hi funkyqueen,
I have been taking it for 1 month, and I take with food.... 2g,
but which one are you taking? Acytel-l-carnitine or L-Carnitine?
From what I understand, one is good for brain and other for muscle.


Senior Member
South of France
I take L-Carnitine, medical form @Peyt
From what i heard/ testimonies reads, medical form is more effective than that one you can buy on sport supplement website;
I'm glad for you that you found it helpfull :)


Senior Member
Southern California
I take L-Carnitine, medical form @Peyt
From what i heard/ testimonies reads, medical form is more effective than that one you can buy on sport supplement website;
I'm glad for you that you found it helpfull :)

How did you get the medical form?
I mean, what test did your doctor do to determine you have low l-carnitine?
Is there a test that can show low l-carnitine?