Absorbing free electrons from ground through feet


Senior Member
Dr. Mercola writes in a recent e-newsletter --

there have also been some very compelling studies suggesting that when you are "grounded" free electrons can easily come up from the earth and essentially nullify free radicals in your body. Ancient philosophies call this life-force energy Chi (also called Qi or Prana) and believe it can be absorbed through the soles of your feet automatically and unconsciously when walking barefoot.

I've come across other sources also that talk about this.

What are your thoughts?


Phoenix Rising Founder
My thoughts are when I was well there were a few times that I literally thought I could feel the energy coming up from the ground through my feet. In fact when I do the Amygdala Retraining at the end you are asked to remember when you were healthy and that's the feeling I've tried to get back to (25 years later). (Hasn't worked very well unfortunately).

It was a great experience though.


Senior Member
Central Texas
free electrons

Yes, I think there is something to this!

I just remembered a third Native American healer. He did a short ceremony for a few of us, outside with our arms around a tree.

When he was finished praying, my first impulse was to thank the tree. I felt its being. He said some of us should be hugging trees a lot :)

Thanks for reminding me. That tree felt like it was singing, it was such a joyful feeling.

Also, I've heard to wear leather soles or go barefoot, as plastic can block the exchange.

Thanks for this reminder. Going to hug a tree tonight.



Senior Member
There is an area near where I live, not anything special to look at really. It's just a huge field where depending on the season it is growing little ears of corn, growing big ears of corn, and covered with debris left over from harvesting ears of corn.

But there's something about that little area, when I walk past it. I get a moment of what I term 'uplift', that feeling where you put your face up to the breezes, feel it blow your hair back from your face, and ... everything inside goes "Aaaahhh", and there is ... I don't know, uplift. :)

Always happens to me there as I go past it. It's a nice enough scene but I don't think it's visual. I think it's physical and organic and I want more of it because I can feel the endorphins take over ... :)


Senior Member

We were talking awhile back about chakras, I think. I had mentioned my first Reiki treatment and what the woman who worked on me had to say, that my root chakra seemed almost entirely blocked. So I did some reading on that later and one of the things suggested to open the root chakra, is to stand or walk barefoot in the grass or dirt (pavement isn't going to do it).


Leather or barefoot sounds right.

Give your tree an extra hug for me tonight. :)


work in progress
N. California
What are your thoughts?

Hi Jody--At this point my feet are always cold, so this would not work for me
anymore. But I want to tell you that after I was struck by lightning in 1979,
the ONLY thing that helped me with my many assorted neurological symptoms
was standing in my garden barefoot with the hose running on my feet--in wet
earth. It eliminated my vertigo and dizziness and made me feel almost human.

I used to walk everywhere barefoot too, as long as it wasn't freezing out. I
developed callouses to the point where I could walk on gravel! So I do feel
there is something to it, as it helped my "wiring" re-ground itself.


Senior Member

Yikes! Hit by lightning! :eek:

Can't imagine what that was like for you, or the aftermath over all these years.

"barefoot with the hose running on my feet--in wet earth. It eliminated my vertigo and dizziness" Fascinating. I would love to understand what it is about the earth and water that we are lacking, and that we apparently need.

I used to go barefoot all the time, in my teens and twenties. Had really good callouses then myself, I could walk on almost anything. :rolleyes:

Welcome to the forums, dreambirdie. :) :)


work in progress
N. California

Yikes! Hit by lightning! :eek:
Can't imagine what that was like for you, or the aftermath over all these years.

Welcome to the forums, dreambirdie. :) :)

Thanks Jody-- Being struck by lightning was definitely a "YIKES" experience! Part of my long story, which I tried to post this
morning, but so EXTREMELY unfortunately it all disappeared when I clicked the preview post. :confused::( What a bummer!
Hopefully I will have the energy to do it over tomorrow.


Senior Member

That is a shame about losing your post.

It happened alot to me when I first started posting here, not sure why that is. Hasn't happened to me for some time. What I used to do then was, I'd copy my post (hit control C) so I could just paste it back in with Control V if it disappeared. Saved my work more than once.

I'll be looking forward to your story when you have a chance to post it.


Senior Member

I knew a guy who my husband used to work with who got hit by lightning while working on a roof -- no, pardon me, it may have been a live wire or something. Either way, he got knocked off the roof onto the ground.

They thought he was dead at first. But he lived and after time, got back to work, etc. But his personality was changed considerably afterward. Always wondered how that could happen ... Pretty wild.


Mother Earth Energy...

Wow... don't know how I missed this post! Awesome! I call it Mother Earth Energy.

Jody.... your little spot you've found.... oh, I'd spend some quality time there, if it were me... meditating on a blanket....



Senior Member

I wish I could camp out there. But it's on someone else's property. :)

I pass by it when I am out walking sometimes. There's just a small walkway's worth of grass between this field and the road, no sidewalk, and no place to just sort of pull over and park myself.

There is one other spot, near the lake, where I get a similar thing. It's down a road that looks out over the water, it's not exactly a private road but it comes to a dead-end and really doesn't get traffic of people who don't live there. Down the slope to the water is all privately owned but many of the owners are only here for weekends in the summer so occasionally I have sat on the slope looking at the water and the sky.


Senior Member
Western Washington
Is the spot by the lake within walking distance too? :)

Sounds really nice. I love being near water. An early doctor I met who was a very wise man but retired, he said that large bodies of water bring healing. It had to do with the higher ozone content they generate in the air.

All I know is that the air is always fresher and feels great.

Lisa :)


Senior Member
It is within walking distance.

Last year I didn't go very often because the lake stunk. It is not a very healthy lake much of the time. And 2 groynes (sp?) the Town put down by the beach back when water lever was low has created a stagnant pool. Hence the occasional stench. It lasted most of last summer. But I haven't noticed it this year too much.

I should go down to that spot soon. Not this weekend because the weekend people will be there wandering around. I can't sit by their beach then.:) But maybe next week.

You'll have to come and see it yourself sometime. :)


Senior Member
I guess I've always just worked on the assumption that walking barefoot allows you to take in energy from the ground. I go barefoot whenever possible; it feels as if I'm missing a sense when I wear shoes. (I agree with Kelly about the leather-or-barefoot thing; rubber or plastic does insulate.) A lot of people who practice earth-based spirituality (that's the root meaning of "heathen" and "pagan") wouldn't do a ritual any other way than barefoot; usually traditions like that happen because people can feel the difference. It might be one of the bases of the Kneipp therapy, too. And you can certainly make a case for automatic reflexology from walking on gravel.

As far as CFS goes, my foot-numbness got a lot better when I had a stay at a hot springs and walked barefoot on the gravel roads and paths to the pools. (I'm sure the beautiful surroundings and hot-cold baths didn't hurt either!)

I get comments on my barefoot habits, but most of them are friendly...


I like this post. For most of my life I looked forward to the time of year when I lost my "city feet" and could be barefoot all day (summers and spring/fall weekends as a kid and adult, then travel to the sun in winter as an adult[pre- ME]). It just felt "right", connected, stronger.........

I started chi gung , the health/energy practice similar to tai chi but wiht the focus more on energy and health rather than martial application, after doing tai chi for a few yearsin the 90s. One of the basic cleansing pracitices has one stand, raise arms to gather energy from the air/sun and bring it down through the body in 3 different pathways that get all organs and major chi routes from the top center of the head going out through the center of the feet, 3 feet into the ground. Although the idea of chi was new to me and didn't fit my paradigms, have always respected my experience. I could feel the chi flow through my body and the places it was stuck or moved more slowly. Could feel the connectedness with the earth and how powerful that is. At the end, one envisions ones feet in a cool pool of water to disipate all the energy that is buzzing around them from what has been moved through the body. Still do it today when can, and if not, just visualize it all while lying down.

An aside - Before fully knocked out by ME became aware chi was getting blocked in top right thigh. Still is despite working on it for 8 years. TCMs, naturopaths and chi gung/tai chi master unable to help me change it.

More with feet and the earth - now love being in my yard when can and doing waht I can - especially if it involves getting dirty. Loved it when scientists in the UK found tht dirt has a friendly bacteria that acts in a manner similar to an anti-depressant

Treatment of mice with a friendly bacteria, normally found in the soil, altered their behavior in a way similar to that produced by antidepressant drugs, reports research published in the latest issue of Neuroscience.

These findings, identified by researchers at the University of Bristol and colleagues at University College London, aid the understanding of why an imbalance in the immune system leaves some individuals vulnerable to mood disorders like depression.

Dr Chris Lowry, lead author on the paper from Bristol University, said: "These studies help us understand how the body communicates with the brain and why a healthy immune system is important for maintaining mental health. They also leave us wondering if we shouldnt all be spending more time playing in the dirt."


So maybe that's part of why it feels so good to be barefoot!


My chiropractor has me stand out in the sun in the dirt barefoot for 10 mins a day. HE is really into electronic balance. Hey, I'll try anything! On a nice day, if I feel OK, it gets me outside!