Rrrr! Thanks so much for giving us a Heads-up re: this piece. I know there was a place to contact the editor "if you have info on this Topic"....but I don't have the where-with-all to fight today!
Of course, some of the info was correct....but I personally objected to the spin put on it.
Although it IS good to be told I'm a FAKER no longer!!! Reporting like this amazes me.
But the only conclusion I can come to is that the REAL story isn't available in enough places/sources for the average writer to access?
Most people today still know so little about CFS. If Reeves comments are what's out there (his derogatory and sceptical views) - then that is what will be reported.
Unless this was written with inflammatory motives - and I'm too naive to recognize that? I've become so sensitive and distrustful, I honestly can't tell any longer!
"We" need a good writer to introduce some of the findings that are being discussed at the CFSAC meeting....to counter the ignorant statements in the media. And then overwhelm those media outlets with the right "spin"!
Thank God, we have Hilary Johnson speaking the truth. We simply need her truth in more places!
thanks again....I've been trying each day to search for articles (especially re: XMRV) but I missed this one... and it's actually the second in a week I've taken exception to!
jackie (am I being a CURMUDGEON?)