1. One interesting thing in this, is that people DIDN'T start dying until the eighties, so if the virus have been around for way longer, why did they die?
How you know that? Of course there is no cause of death for HIV / AIDS before they new it... So there could be a lot of death causes before the 80. Just no one knew it was HIV?
2. Another interesting thing is the girl in the documentary who STOPPED her AZT-treatment and is now perfectly well and healthy, all the other kids in the same group that continued the treatment, are dead.
This is why there are a lot of sienticsts saying that it is too soon for this medications. They can have negative effects. Even till the point of death.
Why do you assume for all this things that there is a greater evil behind it? There are much easier explanations, at least for me they seem more obvious.
Also I think in case some one has such a power to make medicine just to kill people, make it to the market with the product without anyone noticing it? No adversary company saying anything? Seeing the chance to rule out the compentition?
Besides this there would be faster ways to eliminate people.
Seems to me that the hole "documentary" makes the same. That guy always assumes the worst. Bit evil plan behind it. Just cause a member of the CDC sad a wrong year, that allready was proof to him that she lies. How about she just made a mistake? Got a number wrong? i watched the hole thing and it just always felt that he jumpes to things that could have tonns of normal explanations. And actually it felt to me like he abnormaly often likes to say that the viewer can have his own opinion and does not need to belief in this. That the viceo itself would contaion the proof.
First of all he sad it so oft that for me it just felt like he wants the bring down the normal defence people have against something new. Making you feel at ease, more open for new stuff and now always tries to put in to the viewers mind his own way of thinking. Always stating that he's got the proof for all this.
Really I didn't see any proof. A lot of things he just says that this is the way he says. And now I don't have time nor the energy to search for the existence of all this calimed proofs. I don't cound all those unreadable whit papers with black lines on them as proof.