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A quick note RE Saffron and mitochondrial dynamics


Senior Member
Forgive me if it's not worthy of it's own thread but I was just surprised to see some studies on Saffron and mitochondrial dynamics, IE


and, From GPT

"..a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2014 found that crocin, a major component of saffron, protected neuronal cells against oxidative stress-induced damage by preserving mitochondrial function. Another study in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics in 2015 suggested that crocin could mitigate mitochondrial dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease models."

FWIW personally I'll throw it in the stack for a few weeks- per a scarcity of negative testimonials
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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Forgive me if it's not worthy of it's own thread but I was just surprised to see some studies on Saffron and mitochondrial dynamics, IE
Totally worthy !!!!! And thank youu for posting....

Have been circling saffrom for a few months, but so many thigs have torn me a new one that I'm hesitat to risk another assault.

Have some ddecent looking saffron threads wistfuully sulking on a kitchen counter. Along with dozens and dozens of supps, herbs, etc that have proven themselves to be traitorous ....

FWIW personally I'll throw it in the stack for a few weeks- per a scarcity of negative testimonials
Please please please report back won;t you? And best of luck with the experimeent ....