This was posted somewhere (I think), but I've searched for over 15 minutes and can't find it so will repost as the speakers are so amazing.
The 5th Invest in ME International ME/CFS Conference 2010: A New Era in ME/CFS Research
The line-up for this conference is all-star: Dr. Mikovits, Dr. Kerr, Dr. Cheney, Dr. Huber, Dr. Chia, Dr. Klimas, Dr. Chapman,Dr. Hooper.
I hope they'll webcast it or make it accessible on-line somehow. Enquiries might help this happen.:Retro wink:
The 5th Invest in ME International ME/CFS Conference 2010: A New Era in ME/CFS Research
The line-up for this conference is all-star: Dr. Mikovits, Dr. Kerr, Dr. Cheney, Dr. Huber, Dr. Chia, Dr. Klimas, Dr. Chapman,Dr. Hooper.
I hope they'll webcast it or make it accessible on-line somehow. Enquiries might help this happen.:Retro wink: