Completly agree, there is however no evidence whatsoever that any doctor is giving a patient non approved FDA off label HIV drugs to patients without HIV. Typing on an internet forum anonymously ''I am taking Antiretrovirals'', means absolutely nothing. They are words, and there is no evidence the words link to any basis of fact - precisely due to the reasons you list above. It would be impossible in the real word for a 'CFS' patient to obtain HIV medications, unless clandestinely. Even if patients did, individuals actions have nothing to do with this forum. No where on this forum is the site owner endorsing any dangerous behaviour - infact, it's the reverse. Why do you think this forum has sub-sections on mental health, supplements etc? To increase chances of a better quality of life. Free speech is perfectly legal where this forum is hosted, and we are allowed to 'debate' science as we do - because science is not an event, it's a process of fine tuning, and never complete. That is the beauty of science.
Any virtual scenario of a 'CFS' patient allegedly obtaining HIV medications through non official channels, has nothing to do with the CFS community, both virtual and real, and especially not this forum. (Claims to the contrary), thus remain fictional until proven otherwise.
XMRV infects T& B Cell function - CFS affects T & B Cell function
MULV class virus is the only virus to infect Mitochondria - CFS patients have mitochondrial dysfunction. XMRV is an MULV class virus.
Mitochondrial disease symptoms: Shortness of Breath/Chest Pain/Cognitive Dysfunction - CFS all has same symptoms.
Retroviruses cause Inflammatory responses - CFS patients have very much increased inflammation (Oxidative Stress/Cytokines)
Retroviruses cause neuro inflammation - CFS patients have increased neuro inflammation and increased choline in the brain (only found in brain damage).
XMRV is easily capable of damaging bones - CFS patients report premature osteporosis, even in males in their twenties.
Retroviruses cause Cancer - CFS patients have increased rates of rare cancers
Retroviruses cause immune suppression 1 - CFS patients have NKC depletion worse than HIV patients.
Retroviruses cause immune suppression 2 - CFS patients have RNASE-L Anti Viral pathway depletion with low molecular weight enzyme.
XMRV can turn genes on and off - CFS patients have evidence of 88 genes being turned on/off (Dr Kerr) and gene alterations post exercise (Light et al).
XMRV affects Red Blood Cells 1 - CFS patients have up to 30% less blood volume, reduced RBC mass
XMRV affects Red Blood Cells 2 - CFS patients have Red Blood Cell 'morphology' changes detected by Dr Les Simpson (New Zealand).
XMRV is easily capable of causing CNS dysfunction - CFS patients report a universal incidence of Orthostatic Intolerance & high incidence of Dysautonomia & POTS
XMRV 'uses' cholesterol - CFS patients report high incidence of increased cholesterol. (Childhood twins with Cholesterol causing Alzheimer's have tested positive for XMRV).
XMRV 'uses' Androgens (via NF-Kappa B) - CFS patients report onset of CFS in vast numbers in adolescence when androgens significantly rise.
XMRV uses a female sex hormone - CFS patients are predominantly female
Retroviruses impair oxygen transport - CFS patients have impaired oxygen transport.
Retroviruses, (such as HIV) cause 'Crimson Crescents' in the throat - CFS patients have 'Crimson Crescents' in the throat.
Retroviruses, (such as HIV) cause 'AIDS dementia', lowering of IQ - CFS patients report mental confusion, lowered IQ scores (neuropsychometry) Brain 'Grey Matter Shrinkage'.
XMRV is an infectious retrovirus in cell culture - There are cases of person to person blood transfusion of CFS both in Belgium and America. People thus 'caught' CFS via blood.
XMRV is found in 98% of patients with well established CFS using 4 detection methods - This means?
XMRV is found in 80.8% of Dr Cheney's patients with well establised CFS - This means ?

(using the first 'culture' test available). Sensitivity for XMRV detection will increase.
XMRV is found in 2-4% of the healthy population in 3 countries (America, Germany, Japan). Yet found in 98% of patients with well defined CFS using 4 methods to detect XMRV.
This could be seen as a somewhat excessive response?
Using this logic, science cannot happen and should be outlawed today. All scientific evidence requires an initial hypotheses and theory in order to be tested. It is thus high responsible (not irresponsible) to further science by exchanging intellectual thought on scientific matters, such as XMRV.
This forum and it's members regularly donate money for research and indeed are one of the biggest 'virtual' community basis of CFS patients in the world using an English language forum. To remain silent (for example on poor Science presented by Wessely & McClure) would add to the atmosphere of confusion and controversy. Instead forum members excellently piece by piece, helped to de-bunk poor science.
This is a very challenging comment, and could be construed in many different ways, mostly all in the negative towards your own concept of fairness and linking fairness to desperately sick people being told by you NOT to debate science in a highly competent, friendly and logical manner. All of which this forum excels at, to the extent Cort Johnson (Site Owner) was granted an interview with Dr Mikovits herself.
Rather than suggesting CFS patients 'wait' for science to catch up (by not speculating on the causes of CFS linking to XMRV)
it is for science to disprove the findings of the WPI. As it stands, no one has disproved the finding by undertaking a replication study, and thus the Mikovits et al 'SCIENCE' paper of 2009 on XMRV being found in high numbers of CFS remains as preliminary scientific fact.
What is very important to understand is the WPI never said XMRV causes CFS. They said XMRV is found in a high number of persons with CFS. For these people - XMRV causes CFS. The WPI have stated this fact in writing, and have also said (through Judy Mikovits) that
XMRV will never be found in all people with cfs - due to the heterogenous nature of the condition. When CFS is well defined, then yes, the numbers are as high as 80-98%, yet these are people with evidence of neuro immune disease, who have the label 'CFS'. Again, I repeat - for these people, XMRV causes CFS. Why? Because their neuro immune disease (caused by XMRV) was given the label - CFS.
For these people, there is no crime in discussing, coming to terms with and trying to get medical research information on XMRV and the links to their disease label, CFS. Indeed, it is a very healthy and praiseworthy behaviour - when government health agencies remain confused or censored in trying to protect the public and when these people (forum members) are often bed bound. This forum is not a government health agency, makes no claims to be one, and will never be one. We are a collective of people with various illnesses - who have all be told we have CFS, as there is no diagnostic test. XMRV is the beginning for some of us, to be able to understand why - we are ill.
Linking XMRV to CFS is thus critical and vital for many extremely ill people to survive and not die from their label of 'CFS' and to suggest we do otherwise is a losing battle I'm afraid.
I myself have found this forum a unique source of: up to the minute, ground breaking, scientific medical research. I would thoroughly recommend anyone interested in the science of disease and CFS to use this forum and post more messages about the new human retrovirus XMRV and it's links to the debilitating and life limiting condition CFS.
Thank you.