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A message for everyone on Phoenix Rising


Senior Member
I have recived a card from Gillian Macarthy to say Happy Easter to the members of Phoenix Rising and also to say she is enjoying her CDs and other gifts some of you sent her for Christmas.

For those of you who are not familiar with Gillian's story she was a scientist who became ill with ME and severe MCS after working with organophosphates. For 20 years now she has been living in the most squalid and appalling conditions in a field in Somerset, England in order to avoid toxic chemicals. She has no running water, no electricity and has lived for most of the time in a tumble-down shack. A couple of years ago the shack burnt down, leaving Gillian, who is now in her 60s with no shelter at all.


This was Gillian's shack:


Some people attempted to help by building a Den for her, but it was left unfinished with a very wet floor.

Her parents kept her alive with the help of other patients over the years, but her father has now died and her mum is in her late 80s. Gillian survives with the kind gifts of patients around the world who send her heat pads, glass bottled water, untreated wool fleeces and.............CDs which I understand are played using solar power and which she is enjoying.

Somerset County Council who have no understanding of her plight have made threats to knock down her unfinished Den as she hasn't obtained planning permission. Previously, they took steps to bulldoze down her hut but some patients visited the day the baliffs turned up to protect the shack from the bulldozer and called the TV news. The baliffs scuttled away when they found they were faced with the cameras. Later, fire did the job for them.

If you have the energy and can afford to help Gillian please do so. It is life saving for her.

For some reason, the search facility here is not picking up the previous posts I posted on Gillian where I placed her address. Maybe some one has it to hand? I know it is The Stop Gap, Keinton Mandeville, Wincanton, Somerset.............but I don't know the postcode.

Anyway, Gillian says HAPPY EASTER and THANK YOU for your kindness to everyone on Phoenix Rising.:hug:


Senior Member
Hi @Countrygirl - I believe this is the thread: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...community-who-is-in-dire-circumstances.56540/

I don't think you listed a mailing address, just asked people to PM you. Maybe you can search your old messages and see if the mailing address is in there.

@Diwi9 . Great work! Thank you! It didn,t work for me and yes, you are right. I recall now, I PM'd the address.

I do miss having a memory. :(

Don't fancy a caring job, do you @Diwi9 ? :)