It's my understanding that supplement probiotics don't become permanent residents of the GI tract but they do help while they're in there. If that's true, it seems like the only way to boost one's good flora, is by good prebiotics. I definitely plan on doing that, but I think I'm going to wait until my health improves some more.
I'm really interested in how you do on the guar gum. I know of one study that was done with Rifaximin alone or Rifaximin and guar gum. The Rifaximin and guar gum group did much better at getting rid of their SIBO. So if you haven't guessed yet, I have conflicted feeling about prebiotics.
My family is celiac and we've done a lot of gut repairing and microbiome rebalancing over the past 10 years. Our experience has been that after removing allergens, treating parasites, and feeding the gut, that rotating high quality probiotics like Xymogen, HLC/Pharmax, PrescripbAssist, Dr. Ohhiras, etc. has normalized our microbiomes.
Unfortunately, chemotherapy blasted mine 2.5 years ago, and I recovered from that then 6 months ago I was on azithromycin/rifampin for cpn treatment and its been a battle.
I had diarrhea even on my standby, Xymogen 100 billion ProbioMax, did better on the HLC human strain, but still had no lacto and bifido, and still abnormal stools.
Adding the FibroMend immediately helped. I became constipated, then switched back to ProbioMax. Stools are more normal and much better, and my doctor wants me switching to PrescriptAssist soon.
I'm skeptical of taking an antibiotic for this. My dad had a bad case of clostridium difficile and was put on vancomycin at the time, which is like exploding a nuclear nbomb in there. Now they're starting to do fecal transplants for c. diff...
Honestly, I think its doing a little of everything.
I like the Fiber Mend and think it helps.