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A distinctive profile of family genetic risk scores in a Swedish national sample of cases of fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syn...(Kendler et al, 2022)

A distinctive profile of family genetic risk scores in a Swedish national sample of cases of fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome compared to rheumatoid arthritis and major depression
(Kendler et al, 2022)


Background: Functional somatic disorders (FSD) feature medical symptoms of unclear etiology. Attempts to clarify their origin have been hampered by a lack of rigorous research designs. We sought to clarify the etiology of the FSD by examining the genetic risk patterns for FSD and other related disorders.

Methods: This study was performed in 5 829 186 individuals from Swedish national registers. We quantified familial genetic risk for FSD, internalizing disorders, and somatic disorders in cases of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), using a novel method based on aggregate risk in first to fifth degree relatives, adjusting for cohabitation. We compared these profiles with those of a prototypic internalizing psychiatric - major depression (MD) - and a somatic/autoimmune disorder: rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Results: Patients with FM carry substantial genetic risks not only for FM, but also for pain syndromes and internalizing, autoimmune and sleep disorders. The genetic risk profiles for IBS and CFS are also widely distributed although with lower average risks. By contrast, genetic risk profiles of MD and RA are much more restricted to related conditions.

Conclusion: Patients with FM have a relatively unique family genetic risk score profile with elevated genetic risk across a range of disorders that differs markedly from the profiles of a classic autoimmune disorder (RA) and internalizing disorder (MD). A similar less marked pattern of genetic risks was seen for IBS and CFS. FSD arise from a distinctive pattern of genetic liability for a diversity of psychiatric, autoimmune, pain, sleep, and functional somatic disorders.

Keywords: Chronic fatigue syndrome; fibromyalgia; irritable bowel syndrome; major depression; rheumatoid arthritis.

The study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35354508/

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
pretty fascinating....

my mom had some form of IBS-d and I did not get a proper gut set up at birth. By one I had severe food allergies despite breast feeding.

I also had spinal defects, not severe one's but severe enough. Evident at three. Those worsened over time, the whole spine ends up involved.

For CFS they likely did not use good diagnostic criteria.


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Functional somatic disorders (FSD) feature medical symptoms of unclear etiology.
We sought to clarify the etiology of the FSD by examining the genetic risk patterns for FSD and other related disorders.
FSD arise from a distinctive pattern of genetic liability for a diversity of psychiatric, autoimmune, pain, sleep, and functional somatic disorders.

Sounds like a whole lot of psycho-babble to me, just with a genetic component!

internalizing disorders

Now, that's a new euphemism for "psychosomatic disorder" that I haven't heard before!