this CBC News article posted hours ago is titled
"Chronic fatigue may be reversed with exercise"
this is so confusing because I thought exercise would make me worse.
Some days when I lay in bed and feel sick, I seem to have more energy later on.
the exercise is not what surprised me, but the statistics do.
" Still, the exercise treatments only helped about 60% of patients and researchers were unsure how long the results lasted.
and goes on to say...
"Even with the best therapies we have, four out of 10 people don't improve,"
Isn't 60% and 6/10 the same thing? I don't follow their argument.
So either choose Meds or Excercise? they recover 60% of CFS patients.
this CBC News article posted hours ago is titled
"Chronic fatigue may be reversed with exercise"
this is so confusing because I thought exercise would make me worse.
Some days when I lay in bed and feel sick, I seem to have more energy later on.
the exercise is not what surprised me, but the statistics do.
" Still, the exercise treatments only helped about 60% of patients and researchers were unsure how long the results lasted.
and goes on to say...
"Even with the best therapies we have, four out of 10 people don't improve,"
Isn't 60% and 6/10 the same thing? I don't follow their argument.
So either choose Meds or Excercise? they recover 60% of CFS patients.