A Cure for ME-CFS? Please voice your opinion A weird Statistic in the news


Senior Member
the city

this CBC News article posted hours ago is titled
"Chronic fatigue may be reversed with exercise"

this is so confusing because I thought exercise would make me worse.
Some days when I lay in bed and feel sick, I seem to have more energy later on.

the exercise is not what surprised me, but the statistics do.

" Still, the exercise treatments only helped about 60% of patients and researchers were unsure how long the results lasted.
and goes on to say...
"Even with the best therapies we have, four out of 10 people don't improve,"

Isn't 60% and 6/10 the same thing? I don't follow their argument. :eek:
So either choose Meds or Excercise? they recover 60% of CFS patients.
They shut down the comments section because too many people wrote in to try to explain the real science instead of the propoganda they want.


Senior Member
Oxford criteria patients. They don't have to have PEM to be diagnosed (and many other flaws in this paper)
They would not have shut it down because of profanity. They just would not post that posting. The reason was that too many people came forward about a retrovirus being related to cfs.
New Jersey, U.S.
The New York Times covered this today. They did mention that many of the doctors involved in the study admitted that they have ties ($$$) to the insurance industry... Insurance companies have a vested interest in keeping this illness vague and suspect; no way do they want to have to pay for anti-retro-viral drugs!

And the study was flawed in terms of the patients selected.

Bottom line: if exercise makes you feel worse-- don't do it. And as always "consult with your health care provider"-- if you can find one!


Senior Member
the city
Articles like these is what decreases funding and resources.
Articles like these set back CFS-ME 5 years.
Articles like these effect the lives of so many sufferers.

After reading this article, the ordinary person will think CFS is a trivial illness.


Senior Member
Edmonton, AB, Canada
I just sent them a nasty email using their comments link. I was quite civil but complained about their very poor editorial quality, Oxford def, vs CCC etc. and suggested they read the NYT coverage of same story - at least balanced - and if they really want to learn anything, to read Amy's stuff in the WSJ. As a Canadian I am just fuming at this crap.
I just telephoned the cbc to ask why they shut down the comments section. She told me this story's comments were shut down because the web site is going to be changing tomorrow. I asked her why they didn't shut down the comments sections on the other stories and she said she guessed that they were doing a gradual shift over to the new system. She did mention that they do not allow comments where people are posting their own political propoganda. If you're not happy about the CBC's actions, write our PM


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Articles like these is what decreases funding and resources.
Articles like these set back CFS-ME 5 years.
Articles like these effect the lives of so many sufferers.

After reading this article, the ordinary person will think CFS is a trivial illness.

Which is EXACTLY what these sons of bitches are trying to do.
It's deliberate, premeditated mass murder by the back door (denial of treatment, ie, unethical euthanasia), and denial of welafree and inusrance we NEED to live (he who has no money in today's Western world cannot protest, they are disenfranchised).

Again, sorry to post an image, but a picture IS worth a thousand words:

Nazi Germany, 1938

60,000 Reichsmarks is what this person suffering from a hereditary disease costs the People's community during his lifetime. Comrade, that is your money too. Read '[A] New People', the monthly magazine of the Bureau for Race Politics of the NSDAP

while one section of those maniacs was xenophobia, much of it was actually about greed (Nazis were put in power by the rich and elite to protect their interest and seize more resources) and inhuman hubris (eugenicists, nationalists etc). Check the history.

We ME//CFS patients "are inconvenient", we cost the corporations money, the rich taxes so...we are made into "non-persons".
Once you dehumanize someone, trivialize them, abusing them is much easier, standard operating procedure for evil scumbags. They learned that lesson from last century's monsters, alas.

"See folks? These ME/CFSers are just lazy whiners who need some exercise! they don't deserve or need medical of welfare help! Move along! Move along! Nothing to see here! Ignore the man behind the curtain...ignore the virus...."

Anyone who thinks I'm talking rubbish, should read up on UNUMProvident, and realize Wessely's an officer in that inusrance corp...
I see now that they are starting to close down comments on the other stories on the CBC site. But they did not remove the comments on the other stories.


Senior Member
the city
The New York Times covered this today. They did mention that many of the doctors involved in the study admitted that they have ties ($$$) to the insurance industry... Insurance companies have a vested interest in keeping this illness vague and suspect; no way do they want to have to pay for anti-retro-viral drugs!

And the study was flawed in terms of the patients selected.

Bottom line: if exercise makes you feel worse-- don't do it. And as always "consult with your health care provider"-- if you can find one!

can u provide that ny times link i searched and couldnt locate it


Senior Member
the city
I just sent them a nasty email using their comments link. I was quite civil but complained about their very poor editorial quality, Oxford def, vs CCC etc. and suggested they read the NYT coverage of same story - at least balanced - and if they really want to learn anything, to read Amy's stuff in the WSJ. As a Canadian I am just fuming at this crap.

can you provide the ny times link, i cant find it


Senior Member
the city
I just telephoned the cbc to ask why they shut down the comments section. She told me this story's comments were shut down because the web site is going to be changing tomorrow. I asked her why they didn't shut down the comments sections on the other stories and she said she guessed that they were doing a gradual shift over to the new system. She did mention that they do not allow comments where people are posting their own political propoganda. If you're not happy about the CBC's actions, write our PM

Way to go! I'll make a phone call so they get annoyed. Can i fill out that form if i live in the us ?


Senior Member
the city
Which is EXACTLY what these sons of bitches are trying to do.
It's deliberate, premeditated mass murder by the back door (denial of treatment, ie, unethical euthanasia), and denial of welafree and inusrance we NEED to live (he who has no money in today's Western world cannot protest, they are disenfranchised).

Again, sorry to post an image, but a picture IS worth a thousand words:

Nazi Germany, 1938

while one section of those maniacs was xenophobia, much of it was actually about greed (Nazis were put in power by the rich and elite to protect their interest and seize more resources) and inhuman hubris (eugenicists, nationalists etc). Check the history.

We ME//CFS patients "are inconvenient", we cost the corporations money, the rich taxes so...we are made into "non-persons".
Once you dehumanize someone, trivialize them, abusing them is much easier, standard operating procedure for evil scumbags. They learned that lesson from last century's monsters, alas.

"See folks? These ME/CFSers are just lazy whiners who need some exercise! they don't deserve or need medical of welfare help! Move along! Move along! Nothing to see here! Ignore the man behind the curtain...ignore the virus...."

Anyone who thinks I'm talking rubbish, should read up on UNUMProvident, and realize Wessely's an officer in that inusrance corp...

very informative. I appreciate that. It is despicable what is happening.
I think the reason more scientists dont get involved in ME/CFS research is because it might hurt their reputation. I just can't believe this nonsense is happening in this day and age.

Had I not been inflicted by ME/CFS, I would be guilty too---> because of how the media portrays it.


Senior Member
the city
I see now that they are starting to close down comments on the other stories on the CBC site. But they did not remove the comments on the other stories.

so messed up. I hope after receiving a mass quantity of complaint letters, they will remove the article itself.


Senior Member
the city
as a side note, I could understand if they said Graded Exercise Improves symptoms
but "REVERSES CFS"? Come on, thats a stretch that no scientific evidence can support.

this CBC News article is pathetic, I used to respect them. Sad thing is, many people do.