I tried to upload a photo of the junk but it was too large. I could reduce the size and post if anyone is interested in seeing how bad it was. They finally picked up the junk a couple of days ago, it took them long enough. But I will have more junk to get rid of so most of it will go into the big barrels. I'm not sure how the rest of the city is doing
I started a new helper last tuesday, he was supposed to come today but didn't show up. Either its too much work or not enough hours but I will find another helper. I'm paying $20 an hour which is good for this area. With a little luck I will be getting new carpet in jan, maybe early jan. Temperatures are good right now, 60s or 70s in the day and maybe 50s at night
I think I may have backslid a quarter of a level or more from all the recent drama but it hasn't been long so I might recover some of it back. Or I will try something that helped others and it will fix me up. I'm slowly getting things done and money is not a problem so in a couple months things will be better.
I saw something on the weather about another storm system forming in the gulf but no way! And dont tell me things usually happen in 3s, I don't want to hear that. 2 record breaking hurricanes along with a flood is quite enough. This may be my last update on the situation