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A Bad Day…..

Florida Guy

Senior Member
I got hit with the big storm. I’m alive but house is flooded and may be a total loss. I can’t stay here because the mold will rise soon. I will try to save as many personal possessions as I can. I’m trying not to get emotional, I don’t need a big crash on top of everything else

I will try to give updates but I have to conserve phone battery so it may be a while

Florida Guy

Senior Member
I’ve contacted people to come help but nothing so far. The entire carpeting is soaked and must be discarded. Then possibly the house can be saved. No ins so I hope so. Furniture must be moved first

Around 9 thee storm had passed not much rain. Storm surge got me and the road was flooded and partway up the lawn. By 10 it was up to my porch by 11 it was entering the house. I went to bed and watched it rise. Stuff was floating around. I said to myself I will be floating too pretty soon but it stopped rising

In the morning the carpet was squishy and an inch of standing water. Mold coming next. No electricity power company would not talk even and phone running down

Food will go bad and moving everything outside will be hard, I can’t do it. I’m willing to pay if anyone comes. I contacted several.

Florida Guy

Senior Member
My car was flooded as well. I tried starting it but got messages to contact the dealer. The guy who said he was coming didn’t come. What next?
Is there anyone whom you could ask to organise help. They don't need to be nearby, just understand your situation, so they could make phone calls and search helpers for you. If you could leave that to the responsibility of somebody else, you could concentrate more on caring for yourself.

We'll keep sending you good thoughts.

Florida Guy

Senior Member
Thanks for the messages of support everyone. My plan now is to get people here, move furniture around and yank up all the carpet. EThen hope it dries out. The floor has that trim on the wall at the bottom, that may have kept the water from penetrating wallboard. If it did then the drywall will have to be removed near the floor and replaced and painted

@bradipa thats possible I need to rent a truck to move some stuff but no car to go pick it up. I can arrange a ride

Florida Guy

Senior Member
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts and wishes. Good news, the power went back on last night YAY! Internet is out phone service is spotty, have to go outside for a signal. Finally got someone to come over and help but this morning he didn’t reply oh well

Thankful for:
Being alive
Not injured
Power on
People to call on
Resources to call on
Water runs
Have food
Phone works
No mold yet
Haven’t crashed (yet)

Went over energy limits so pem I’n muscles at least. Took some cumin, have gabapentin

Wishing everyone a better day than I’ve been having
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts and wishes. Good news, the power went back on last night YAY! Internet is out phone service is spotty, have to go outside for a signal. Finally got someone to come over and help but this morning he didn’t reply oh well

Thankful for:
Being alive
Not injured
Power on
People to call on
Resources to call on
Water runs
Have food
Phone works
No mold yet
Haven’t crashed (yet)

Went over energy limits so pem I’n muscles at least. Took some cumin, have gabapentin

Wishing everyone a better day than I’ve been having
That is good news, @Florida Guy. Now you can charge your phone.
The hurricane has been on the news today here in Germany. They reported that there were many deaths. Truly, you could have had it worse. I'm admiring you for how quickly you have come to counting your blessings. You will get through this crisis. Just keep breathing and taking care of both your body and your soul. Is there something you can do for relaxation and distraction?


Senior Member
@Florida Guy, Chef Jose Andres and WCKitchen is providing free meals at these sites, if your car is working and you are close to any of them.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
These storms are no joke. Scientists have measured frightening sea level increases, increased storms, etc from climate change. We have to do a lot more to prevent it from getting worse.

To mitigate these effects, we need to adopt a combination of strategies:

  1. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: Transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and adopting sustainable practices can significantly cut down emissions.
  2. Protecting natural barriers: Preserving and restoring ecosystems like coral reefs and mangroves can help buffer coastlines against storm surges4.
  3. Implementing green infrastructure: Using permeable pavements, green roofs, and other sustainable urban planning techniques can help manage stormwater and reduce flooding5.
  4. Enhancing coastal defenses: Building sea walls, levees, and other protective structures can provide immediate protection, though they should be part of a broader, more sustainable approach6.
It’s a complex challenge, but with concerted global efforts, we can make a significant impact.