A abnorm severe PEM from 2015

Graz, Austria
IT was 2015 and Had an extreme PEM, i could feel how weak my Body was, i couldnt Go - IT was easy to feel, that the weakness in my legs was expanding into Higher parts of the Body, so i refused to walk - IT was very Close with my Meeting with Dr.Bieger from Munic

We tested everything possible- the only Thing WE found was a "Pregnenolone deficit", so i got it AS Supplements
.....after a short time i was able to walk again but IT brought a thought to me - the way the weakness expanded was crazy even for CFS Levels.
I read that apoptosis would have a Effect on the dying cells - a mechanism that causes the neighbour cells to have apoptosis AS well.

I think it could be a quite similar mechanism when IT comes to PEM or AS i See IT - anything with the serotonine Systeme groß wrong, maybe ITS Not the Serotonin itself but more the way the serotonine comes Out of the receptors and then IT meet with cells - the Effect and Feeling of the serotonine are disturbed - WE Just have to See where the serotonine connects and what Changes in the time, definitly Not normal

Do you have any suggestions, associations in your head - please let me read IT

Do you have own theories - Just Partizipation

2015 Dr. Bieger have me cortisone, which worked and Symptoms i Had since two years dissapeard, but i destroyed everything by withdrawal the Lorazepam too fast - i Had extreme pain in my burning head and because of the Low Levels of Pregnenolone, which is very important for the gabba Synthesis, i Had to Take 5 MGs Lorazepam per day, i could swear i Had neurinflammatory MNDA Activity - the lorazepam destroyed the pain caused from IT.

Did anyone of you ever felt a pressure Point in their head- before, maybe they night before a PEM?

The crazy PEM was caused because i slept with 30 mg oxazepam - so i think the PEM has Something to do with gaba Systeme.
To BE fair during the day a doctor came because my Brother didnt leave me alone to Recovery, He called s doctor and she have me the oxazepam - she was later with my Family and explained them my disease, i did almost nothing, but IT caused a new PEM, i felt recovered through the severe PEM ON the day, Just should staying lying ON the Couch.

My thought at night was to destroy the PEM before IT Starts - but that wasnt the Case - IT seemed Like the gaba directly crashed into the Genesis of the PEM - so the gaba Systeme and the antagonistic Systeme are somehow involved in the Nature of PEM

Any thoughts ON that?
Any similar experiences?


..and we built castles in the Sky.
First of all: Jesus your european autocorrect is just as bad as mine 😂 i noticed it immidiatly lol.

I have usually an "impending sense of doom" before crashing. I Crash rarely nowdays because i know my illness and If I listen to this feeling and do "aggressive resting" I can usually avoid the worst.
I read that apoptosis would have a Effect on the dying cells - a mechanism that causes the neighbour cells to have apoptosis AS well.
Interesting. Last year in October I had an extreme crash which gave me many neurological symptoms. Even though my (cognitive) baseline is now higher than before, I still have some neurological (vision) symptoms which haven't improved one inch. Maybe apoptosis is involved in that, as neurons can't regrow?