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9 days on ldn, still tired and spacey


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I took 1.5 mg. 2 nights, then down to 0.5 mg. for one or 2 nights, then down to 0.25 mg. for a couple of nights and now am at 0.125 mg.

I don't know what the continued spaciness and fatigue mean- herxing? But am having trouble functioning because I don't have much energy, house is a worse disaster than usual.

I have my follow-up phone appt with Dr. Kaufman tomorrow and will get his opinion, but wanted to see if anyone here had gone through this and ended up with a positive result. I just don't know if this stuff is helping or hurting me. Any input is welcome! :sluggish:
im gonna guess u are. I've been on it a month and a half maybe 2. I take 200mg and i haven't felt better nor worse. The side effects you are referring to are "detox" effects. This is normal and could mean its working.

When you go on these things you need to know that its gonna get worse before it gets better!


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
im gonna guess u are. I've been on it a month and a half maybe 2. I take 200mg and i haven't felt better nor worse. The side effects you are referring to are "detox" effects. This is normal and could mean its working.

When you go on these things you need to know that its gonna get worse before it gets better!

No, I'm referring to low dose naltrexone. I have detoxed on iodine before, but this is a completely different substance and experience. ldn is supposed to help boost or modulate the immune system. It affects endorphins, you can read more about it here: http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/

Thanks anyways though! :)


Senior Member
New Zealand
I guess it could be a coincidental flare.... Or perhaps LDN is unfortunately not for you. I noticed some benefits in about a week, but had some teething side effects for several.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I guess it could be a coincidental flare.... Or perhaps LDN is unfortunately not for you. I noticed some benefits in about a week, but had some teething side effects for several.

I know it's not coincidental - when I tried ldn 5 years ago, I got very spacey and just stopped it and the spaciness went away. This time I keep lowering the dose, the fatigue and achiness and spaciness are less, but still there and still interfering with functioning.

That's what I'm trying to figure out - whether it's good for me or not, if this is herxing or healing or something, or if it means I should stop - Dang! - there's no easy way to know --

What were your "teething" side effects? (never heard of that one :rolleyes: though we do get all sorts of weird symptoms!)


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Maybe switch to mornings? I know you said you are sleeping but maybe it's doing something snd messing you up more than you think.

It's also an antiviral so maybe that.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Maybe switch to mornings? I know you said you are sleeping but maybe it's doing something snd messing you up more than you think.

It's also an antiviral so maybe that.

I've thought of the antiviral part, and that's what I'm wondering, whether it's killing viruses (okay, I guess you can't kill them) but suppressing them or whatever our bodies do to viruses, and if that's why I feel so crappy. I'm getting used to it now .....

I don't think taking it in the morning would make feel any better. I think people usually do that if it's interfering with sleep but if anything, I'm sleeping better with the ldn because it makes me so tired!


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Yes, it's definitely helped. By 3 months, it was clear that I had much increased stamina. How long the reactions? I can't recall, since I was already so involved in detox and CEs to deal w/ it. The sleep disturbance wasn't too bad, didn't last long.