I believe that one of the hallmarks of ME/CFS is a compromised immune system, with low NK cells amongst other things. I see the Lyme as another opportunistic bacterial infection in this situation. At the moment, I am being treated for Lyme with long-term abx and I have seen considerable improvement. I don't necessarily think that this will cure my underlying ME/CFS.
Excellent point, this is another way of looking at it.
I was looking at it from the perspective that possibly Lyme could have been the initial insult, it is well documented that the bacteria is not necessarily opportunistic, that it works to actively damage and suppress your immune system, and then over years of subclinical unnoticed damage that it is causing your immune system gets to a point where ubiquitous viruses see an opportunity to reactivate and other opportunistic infections living silently in your body wake up causing further immune system damage and throwing a person into full ME/CFS.
So then it is vitally important to find out whether you have Lyme or not because if you are treating all of the other infections they will just come back if Lyme was the initiator.
But your way or looking at it is also plausible!