8 months: new post by Deckoff-Jones


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Thank you, Jimk. I've been wondering how Dr. Deckoff-Jones and her daughter are doing. Impossible me for me to guess how knowledge gained from their experiences taking anti-retrovirals, etc., will apply to other patients, but they are brave, and I wish them continuing improvement.


XMRV - L'Agent du Jour
Thanks for this Jim. Its really encouraging to hear how both mother and daughter are progressing.

They both seem to be using other nutritional supplements/?medication to aid with fat/sugar metabolism though (something called 'Actos' which is also an anti inflammatory) - which is understandable, and I get the reasons she outlines in the blog for using it - I just hope this doesn't cloud the issue of how effective the anti retrovirals are.


I particularly like this comment in the link at the end of Deckoff-Jones' update:

(Guest post by Larry Gilman): "Those who argue that doctors should never do any such thing (my note: prescribe anti retrovirals to ME patients) because it might somehow (how?) slow the gathering of scientific knowledge show a disturbing tendency to view patients as a source of scientific information, rather than as people deserving the best care possible—even in the midst of uncertainty."

Spot on.