• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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$5000 Every Month - Australia


Doing Well

This competition only runs from about the 15th of each month for approximately 2 weeks. I will update when it begins & which Charity everyone decides on each month.
Colonial First State, Australia’s largest fund manager, is once again giving away $5,000 to a charity in need.

Nominate a charity close to your heart by completing the form below.

The charity with the most nominations will receive $5,000 to continue its generous work. So get your friends and family involved too.

And you could win $500 just for entering!

Thanks to


1. The nominated Charity must be an organisation that is eligible to receive tax deductible gifts (DGR status endorsed by the Australian Tax office).

3. The nominated charity can be located anywhere in Australia. Nominations must be made via 3AW, 2UE or 4BH.

4. You must be over 18 years of age.

2UE if you are in Sydney: http://www.2ue.com.au/comp-cfs
3AW if you are in Melbourne: http://www.3aw.com.au/comp-cfs
4BH if you are in Brisbane: http://www.4bh.com.au/comp-cfs
If you don't live in these cities, please nominate with the radio station closest to your location
Simply fill out the online form with your details and the name of your nominated charity.
If your charity receives the most nominations, you'll go into a draw to receive $500 as a thank you for caring for our community.
The charities that received donations in February were:

    • The Developing Foundation
    • ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Organisation
    • Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (AMDF)



Doing Well
Hi guys, I thought I'd start another thread & condense it as best as possible so it is a bit easier on our weary brains :confused:

There are only a few more days before nominations begin for June so I thought I'd get in early so we can all be prepared. Don't forget that if your charity wins you go into the draw to win $500, make sure you tell family & friends as it is a great incentive.

The other great thing about this comp is no one uses your contact info for telemarketing purposes, most do these days :mad:.

EDIT 12th June: I just heard back from Change For ME & they have not acheived their charity status as yet. They expect that to occur by the next competition & said they will let me know.

So perhaps Alison Hunter would be a good option for June?

French Tulip has very kindly offered to post the competition on Facebook :thumbsup:, Thanks Tulip :hug:

And I have arranged for it to be posted on the Not Crazy Forum also.

If anyone is on another forum & is able to post it that would be awesome.

I'll keep checking each day & let you know when the comp starts ;)


Doing Well
I have wasted so much time & energy trying to find the correct link to the nomination forms for this comp, none of the above links take you to the form anymore :mad:

I have emailed 3AW to ask for a link so hopefully it will pan out, if anyone else has the link please post it here!
It would be great if we could try for July.

I did find out that it starts on the 7th of each month.