Myers cocktail can be done IM??
Magnesium, along with calcium, vitamin C and B vitamins given IV or IM showed improvement in 74% of sufferers of fibromyalgia and myofacial pain.
It's unfortunate bh4 supplements aren't more readily available.
methylfolate gives me major problems at far lower then "overdosing" dosages. There are no one size fits all treatments nanonug. I fit my homozygous COMT mutations(2) perfectly symptom wise, so I have no doubt of their significance. So bombing myself with methyl donors is not very nice for me. Also, I'm currently taking 1000mg of magnesium just to keep up with the cruppling magnesium deficiency methylfolate was inducing and this is at only 200mcg 3 times a day!!
This is because the EGCG in the tea deactivates the l amino acid decarboxylase enzyme that converts 5HTP to serotonin peripherallyHixxy, I recently read that taking some green tea around the time you take the 5-HTP (or Mucuna) helps get it into the brain instead of going to the gut right away.
I have been taking 5-HTP successfully for almost 2 years, and coincidentally also take a green/white/black tea pill in the morning, although that is for weight loss.
I did also read that even though B6 is needed, to not take the B6 at the same time as 5-HTP, as others have mentioned.