$240,000 raised!!! #TripleTuesdayOMF- For every $1 donated OMF will receive $3!!! $100k goal!


Senior Member
My parents donated $100 a couple weeks ago in honor of my doctor at OMI but it was before I knew about this triple challenge! I will try to get other donors before the Nov date is up or make another donation myself if possible. Thanks for letting us know it is a great idea.

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
My parents donated $100 a couple weeks ago in honor of my doctor at OMI but it was before I knew about this triple challenge! I will try to get other donors before the Nov date is up or make another donation myself if possible. Thanks for letting us know it is a great idea.

Hey @Gingergrrl

Thats fantastic your parents donated-it does not matter it was before this, it is the act and still a donation.

Also its worth remembering that the way OMF operates enables ANY donation to go a lot further than in other organisations, because of the contacts and the fact they can choose where to do research/tests-they are not tied down to one place per se. And having Dr Davis helps too ;)

Thanks for being the great supporter you are,


Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
I hope we reach the 100k goal. It would be a horrible waste of a great opportunity if we fall short.

I hope so too @hixxy. We are already at $30k (including matched donor) so an amazing start. We just need to keep momentum, telling anyone that may be interested or who has ever wanted to donate, share with friends and family etc. If we surpass 100k, which would be amazing, there is another donor who will step up!

Last edited:

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Hi guys,

Just an update from Linda:

Giving Triple Tuesday:
OMF launches new corporate partnership
to engage family and friends

Here is an easy way to make your own page to enable you to ask your friends and family to help you find an end to ME/CFS. If you do this now, all donations will be tripled until Nov 29thduring OMF's Giving Triple Tuesday campaign.

OMF is proud to announce a new corporate partnership with CrowdChange. Canadian-based CrowdChange has created a new simple-to-use webpage for us that allows our supporters to easily join the fight to end ME/CFS by creating their own online fundraising page. This is a fabulous way to help increase donations for ME/CFS research in support of #TripleTuesdayOMF.

Simply create your own page and invite your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to make a donation. All donations made between now and Tuesday, November 29 will be tripled (up to $25,000).

You can also join the fight by creating a fundraiser in honor of a loved one who is ill with ME/CFS, or planning an event like a bike ride or a walk. With your CrowdChange page you can now create a customized online fundraising page for free and help us get the word out.

The goal is to help empower you to engage your networks, to make a change for people with ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, chronic Lyme, and other chronic, complex diseases, and to ultimately find a cure. And if you do it now, each donation is tripled!
CrowdChange founder, Russell Citron, approached OMF this summer and is donating the use of this program to benefit research.

Russell is personally committed to supporting OMF's research to end ME/CFS in honor of his childhood friend, Ryan Fisch, who has been battling ME/CFS since 2014.

We thank CrowdChange for supporting OMF and encourage you to become a part of the answer. Start a page of your own. Help us reach our goal to raise $100,000 for research with #TripleTuesdayOMF.

Together we will triple the chance to end ME/CFS.
With hope for all,
Linda Tannenbaum, CEO

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Address postal inquiries to:
Open Medicine Foundation
29302 Laro Drive
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
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Really easy way for friends and family to donate, and works well for social media.



Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
My monthly donation is made on the 25th of each month so two payments will qualify for the 'top-up'. Not much but it's all a step in the right direction. :)

Hey @AndyPR

I asked Linda about this and the campaign 'applies to all new donations and new recurring donation'.

So current recurring donations before October 17th wouldn't count.

But recurring donations are the foundation of OMF and we wouldnt be able to operate without them! So do not worry. The campaign was aimed at raising awareness, new donors, new exposure and I believe that is the reason existing donations arn't included.

Hope that makes sense, and thanks for the reccurring donation buddy!

I hope so too @hixxy. We are already at $30k (including matched donor) so an amazing start. We just need to keep momentum, telling anyone that may be interested or who has ever wanted to donate, share with friends and family etc. If we surpass 100k, which would be amazing, there is another donor who will step up!

I ask for donations to ME research for Christmas and this is a bargain if they 'shop' early. Have already had two early Christmas triple presents :)


Senior Member
Guiding the lifeboats to safer waters.
Update from the OMF Facebook page

#TripleTuesdayOMF UPDATE: $40,612 raised of $100,000 GOAL-since launch on Oct. 15th...

#TripleTuesdayOMF will run through Tuesday, November 29. Dr. Deborah Rose, one of our very generous board members, has graciously pledged a $75,000 matching gift to encourage world-wide support of #TripleTuesdayOMF.

DONATE Now: For every $1 donated, Dr. Rose will triple donations up to $25,000 - - making "Giving Tuesday" our #TripleTuesdayOMF https://goo.gl/c7T7df

GOAL: Our goal is to raise $100,000 or more and to create a worldwide, viral #unselfieME social media campaign.

Ways to JOIN US to reach our #TripleTuesdayOMF GOAL:
1. Thank you CrowdChange! Please start a page of your own and help us reach our goal to raise $100,000 for research. Create your page today! https://goo.gl/jTJckr
2. Donate NOW! Share link with friends & family to donate https://goo.gl/c7T7df
3. Take your #unselfieMEOMF and post it here and on your FB page https://goo.gl/V6rnku

#GivingTuesdayOMF #GivingMEDay #UNSELFIEME

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Hi guys,


YOU Can Help OMF Raise $100,000 for ME/CFS Research

The goal of OMF's Triple Giving Tuesday is to raise $100,000 to support research and education. I am excited to announce that as of today we have raised over $46,000. We are almost half way there. We need your help to reach our goal! There are many ways you can get involved. Regardless of your financial means, you can personally help support research!

During OMF's Triple Giving Tuesday your support goes an extra long way. Every dollar raised between now and Tuesday, November 29th is being matched with $3. We invite you to get involved today!

Here are just a few suggestions of how you can get involved from anywhere in the world.

1. Donate today and your gift will be tripled.

2. After you donate, you can help to encourage more donations by taking your own UNSELFIE and post it on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages#UnselfieME. Join Dr. Ron Davis and help to spread the message "I am giving because ..."

3. "Like" our page on Facebookto get up-to-date announcements and news.
Like our page and invite your friends to Like it too!! Help us reach 5,000 "likes" to increase awareness.
We also invite you to follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

4. Create your own fundraising page on CrowdChange. This is a fun and simple-to-use webpage that makes it easy for you to create your own fundraising page and invite your family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors to make a donation that will be tripled if they do it before Nov 29th.

5. Join TEAM OMF and plan an event in honor of a friend or loved one. Host a bake sale at work. Host a cocktail party on your patio. Invite friends on a bike ride. Be creative, make it simple, and have fun! Team OMF events help to educate others about ME/CFS and raise much needed funds for research. Everything you need to know about planning an event is at your finger tips.

Share your Friday Story. Help to educate and inspire others. Submit your personal story to Friday Stories today.

7. Do you shop or sell online? The activities you are already doing can help to support research. Register with Amazon Smile, iGive, and eBay, sign up Open Medicine Foundation as your charity of choice and a percentage of your shopping and selling will be donated to OMF; such an easy way to help!

Working together we will triple the chance to end ME/CFS. Thank you for taking action today.
With hope for all,
Linda Tannenbaum, CEO

$46000 raised(inc match)-Nearly half way there! Awesome job. If any of you know friends or family who you think would like to donate, please ask away!

Thanks guys, and lets keep this momentum!
