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23andme results

can anyone tell me what these mean

Gene & Variation rsID Alleles ResultCOMT V158M rs4680 GG -/-COMT H62H rs4633 CC -/-COMT P199P rs769224 GG -/-VDR Bsm rs1544410 CT +/-VDR Taq rs731236 AG +/-MAO A R297R rs6323 G -/-ACAT1-02 rs3741049 AG +/-MTHFR C677T rs1801133 AG +/-MTHFR 03 P39P rs2066470 GG -/-MTHFR A1298C rs1801131 TT -/-MTR A2756G rs1805087 AA -/-MTRR A66G rs1801394 AG +/-MTRR H595Y not found n/a not genotypedMTRR K350A rs162036 AA -/-MTRR R415T not found n/a not genotypedMTRR A664A rs1802059 AG +/-BHMT-02 rs567754 CC -/-BHMT-04 not found n/a not genotypedBHMT-08 rs651852 CC -/-AHCY-01 rs819147 TT -/-AHCY-02 not found n/a not genotypedAHCY-19 rs819171 TT -/-CBS C699T rs234706 AA +/+CBS A360A rs1801181 GG -/-CBS N212N not found n/a not genotypedSHMT1 C1420T not found n/a not genotyped


Senior Member
MTHFR C677T +/- means that MTHFR is running at 65% of optimum. But that's pretty average in the general population. Everything else looks completely normal.
thanks for the info... Do think I need to supplement with b12 and mfoliate because it's. +- ? I do suffer with anxiety and also had a had withdrawal from citalopram which has lasted a long time.. very sensative to everything now.. supplements.. meds.. and food...


Senior Member
thanks for the info... Do think I need to supplement with b12 and mfoliate because it's. +- ? I do suffer with anxiety and also had a had withdrawal from citalopram which has lasted a long time.. very sensative to everything now.. supplements.. meds.. and food...
It's a fairly mild mutation by itself. It doesn't reduce B12 levels, so I can't see why it would indicate a need to supplement B12. It might reduce folate levels a bit, but that usually isn't a noticeable problem aside from for women who are pregnant. If concerned about it, a diet with a different amount of veggies or supplementing a normal dose of folate (400-800mcg) has been shown to be quite sufficient in a couple research studies.
thanks for that... I think I will take a small dose of b12 500mg and a small mfoliate dose of 200mg and see of it helps over a few months.. thanks for your time and help :)


Senior Member
The only ones worth noticing:
MTHFR C677T rs1801133 AG +/-
MTRR A66G rs1801394 AG +/-
CBS C699T rs234706 AA +/+

MTRR A66G is the most important MTRR, so some form of methylB12 might help you.
CBS is an upregulation which converts homocysteine to amonia and hydrogen sulfate. In general, this is 'protective' against diseases that are caused by high homocysteine. But some people have a hard time detoxing these products, leading to brain fog amongst others. But you don't have a BHMT mutation, so I don't think it's a big problem.
Also: Praise yourself! You don't have COMT mutations, so you should be able to tolerate methyl donors.
Hi thanks for the info my friend.. I have tried a few things and don't seem to tolerate mfolate or things like methionine, sam-e, and stuff like that.. but I think this is still because of a very long drawn out withdrawal from citalopram.. I was never sensative to anything before citalopram or the 4 years on it.. but boy the last 2 years have been Hell.. withdrawal effects didn't hit me till 6 months off the devil drug ..... but and going to try b12 and folate again and go up very slowley.. I do suffer brain fog as it goes.. much worst in morning.. but so is my anxiety .. thinking of trying some cbd oil.. as I am getting high cortisol Especialy morning time.. feels like adrenalin is out of wak


Senior Member
Hi thanks for the info my friend.. I have tried a few things and don't seem to tolerate mfolate or things like methionine, sam-e, and stuff like that.. but I think this is still because of a very long drawn out withdrawal from citalopram.. I was never sensative to anything before citalopram or the 4 years on it.. but boy the last 2 years have been Hell.. withdrawal effects didn't hit me till 6 months off the devil drug ..... but and going to try b12 and folate again and go up very slowley.. I do suffer brain fog as it goes.. much worst in morning.. but so is my anxiety .. thinking of trying some cbd oil.. as I am getting high cortisol Especialy morning time.. feels like adrenalin is out of wak

I have been through a horrendous SSRI withdrawal and have researched this a lot. If your cortisol is high, the first thing I would do is take Seriphos or Relora for 8 weeks or so to lower your cortisol. You can also try Neuromedulla Complex if you're having issues with sound sensitivity, etc. Then calming supps such as magnesium and GABA or theanine. A bit of 5htp may also be helpful, as SSRI's deplete serotonin.

If you've been off the drug for 2 years, I would not try to reinstate or take any other SSRI's (or SNRI's). Withdrawal hit me about 6 months off the drug too. I was able to reinstate the drug, and am now in the middle of a (probably) 4 or 5 year very very slow taper off the drug. During withdrawal, my adrenals were five times higher than normal - literally off the top of the chart!

The Paxil Progress forum used to have great info on SSRI withdrawal, but they closed down about six months ago. I had every symptom they listed except for head zaps, and that's probably only because I take fish oil.

I don't think I would get into methylation supps until your adrenals are calmed down.


Senior Member
Tyrosine is supposed to be a natural antidepressant. I orderded it, but I forgot to pick it up at another place, so I can't say much about whether it is effective or not.
Can't take tyrosine is freaked me right out.. anything that stimulates freaked me out..

Caledonia same hear.. I have had every withdrawal effect and then some.. Exept brain zaps lol. Tried Seriphos but didn't like it.. but that was a while ago .. so may have another go... I have just had some cbd oil today so going to take some tonight.. this has been shown in clinical trials to lower cortisol and adrenaline unike a lot of other supplements on thke market... but it's bloody expensive hahahah.. also it's said to be good for anxiety and depression... Will give it a go.. and also may try some very love dose theanine.. every supplement affects me big time now... So have to be careful... Sucks ..

I also used to love weight training but that has also stoped as ain't got the energy and it also stimulates my adrenal system.. ok when training but I notice a massave down within 24 Hrs of doing it that last days.. body rushes and chills the lot...
Intact might try relora as theanine raises dopamine also.. and I think my domamine is naturally high... And it can also affect adrenaline I think..
After saying that.. relora can raise dhea.. and mine is high already lol. So that's out... and gaba seems to make be more depressed so not sure about theanine either... But also stuff 5htp make my morning anxiety even worst.. think my system just need time and not many supplements... Crazy body's we have
I also have low histamine.. so my urine test said... But I am Nit sure.. as this could mean my body has trouble getting rid of histamine lol so how accurate is a urine test..


Senior Member
Can't take tyrosine is freaked me right out.. anything that stimulates freaked me out..

Caledonia same hear.. I have had every withdrawal effect and then some.. Exept brain zaps lol. Tried Seriphos but didn't like it.. but that was a while ago .. so may have another go... I have just had some cbd oil today so going to take some tonight.. this has been shown in clinical trials to lower cortisol and adrenaline unike a lot of other supplements on thke market... but it's bloody expensive hahahah.. also it's said to be good for anxiety and depression... Will give it a go.. and also may try some very love dose theanine.. every supplement affects me big time now... So have to be careful... Sucks ..

I also used to love weight training but that has also stoped as ain't got the energy and it also stimulates my adrenal system.. ok when training but I notice a massave down within 24 Hrs of doing it that last days.. body rushes and chills the lot...

That's interesting about CBD oil. I'm glad there's another alternative.

ps. if you want to get someone's attention on here, tag them like this @caledonia or @robertwilliamsuk, and they will get an alert message. Or you can quote their message when you reply and they will also get an alert.


Senior Member
After saying that.. relora can raise dhea.. and mine is high already lol. So that's out... and gaba seems to make be more depressed so not sure about theanine either... But also stuff 5htp make my morning anxiety even worst.. think my system just need time and not many supplements... Crazy body's we have

The Paxil Progress' forum stance was not to take anything, just sort of white knuckle it out and/or do counseling. The good news is that most people are fine after three years (you're already two years in).
@caledonia lol.. yes I agree.. just drink plenty of w Arrr and eat as healthy as I can with tye foods I can tolerate.. it has got better as time has gone on... Am tolerating a little more as time goes on.. it's hard as you know.. and it also upsets me the doctors don't acknowledge what's going on... It wrong.. had a lot of info today.. on my heavy metals and also vitamins... I am high in copper and zinc and a few others.. low in magnesium.. low in creatine and low in inisitol and b2 And a few other things.. lol. Only thing is inisitol freaks me out and causes a migrain lol.. b2 gives me spots.. createne makes me sick hahahha what to do... :)
It's just very confusing as some people say the benifit from treatment though.. but if that is the general opinion on it that it doesn't do much I guess that's that :)


Senior Member
Depends how you look at it. It lowers homocysteine and thus lowers susceptibility to the diseases that are related to high homocysteine. But it increases the production of amonia and hydrogen sulfate which can lead to brain fog.