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23andme results - Homozygous MTHFR A1298C & R297R. Please advise!


Senior Member
Hi, I recently received my 23andme results. I have included the homozygous/ heterozygous mutations. I have been spending a lot of time on educating myself. It's a lot of information & starts getting quite complex. I would welcome any advice/tips to work my way around them & better my life. Thanks, John.

Methylation Profile -

Homozygous -

MAOA R297R rs6323 T +/+
MTHFR A1298C rs1801131 GG +/+

Heterozygous -

COMT V158M rs4680 AG +/-
COMT H62H rs4633 CT +/-
VDR Bsm rs1544410 CT +/-
VDR Taq rs731236 AG +/-
MTRR H595Y rs10380 CT +/-
MTRR K350A rs162036 AG +/-
MTRR A664A rs1802059 AG +/-
CBS A360A rs1801181 AG +/-
SHMT1 C1420T rs1979277 AG +/-

Detox Profile -

Homozygous -

CYP2D6 S486T rs1135840 GG +/+
CYP2D6 100C>T rs1065852 AA +/+
NAT2 R197Q rs1799930 AA +/+

Heterozygous -

CYP1A1*2C A4889G rs1048943 CT +/-
CYP1B1 L432V rs1056836CG +/-
CYP1B1 N453S rs1800440 CT +/-
CYP2C9*3 A1075C rs1057910 AC +/-
CYP2C19*17 rs12248560 CT +/-

Gene Result
GSTT1 Present