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23andMe (MTHFRSupport) results


I have results from 23andMe (via MTHFRSupport) for which I'd love help in determining what SNPs to focus on. I've had them for about a year, but I have been afraid to do anything because it was too overwhelming.

I do not have ME/CFS but was diagnosed and am being treated for Hashimoto's thyroiditis since 2002.

Thanks in advance for your help :nerd:


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Senior Member
@vacuna - I don't anything about most of the genes and SNPs listed there. But MTHFR C677T +/+ means that you produce methylfolate at about 30% of the normal rate. Hence supplementing methylfolate (not folic acid) and/or eating a lot of veggies is a good idea.


Senior Member

I have results from 23andMe (via MTHFRSupport) for which I'd love help in determining what SNPs to focus on. I've had them for about a year, but I have been afraid to do anything because it was too overwhelming.

I do not have ME/CFS but was diagnosed and am being treated for Hashimoto's thyroiditis since 2002.

Thanks in advance for your help :nerd:

Hi Vacuna,

If you can manage it, it would be easier if you could run your same 23andme file through http://geneticgenie.org/ and narrow down the amount of SNPs.

There is a methylation report and a detox report.

MTHFRsupport, bless their souls, have come up with all these other genes, but not necessarily an interpretation or treatment for them. They have a more general health focus than just methylation and ME/CFS.

Just off the top of my head, some other SNPs that genetic genie doesn't cover -

part 3 - HLA +/+ may want to try avoiding gluten if you don't already

part 2 - ACE Del 16 +/+ may have problems with hypertension and cardiovascular disease. may want avoid excessive salt.

part 3 - you have three thyroid genes, so that would corroborate thyroid disease (also MTHFR C677T would too)

part 3 - PEMT rs4646406, I have this same one, but it's listed with the risk allele T, so AA is -/-. Not sure why yours is reporting the opposite, or if I made an error on mine.

Anyway, this would affect folate and choline metabolism (from SNPedia):
[PMID 19737740] Associations of folate and choline metabolism gene polymorphisms with orofacial clefts
[PMID 21429654] Polymorphic variants of folate and choline metabolism genes and the risk of endometriosis-associated infertility

Anyway, it looks like you would supplement with folate and choline for that, which you would already do as part of a methylation protocol.

I've been able to heal my autoimmune thyroiditis (same as Hashi's) with methylation treatment. I'm off my med and all my labs are normal.

According to Ben Lynch 99% of people with thyroid problems have MTHFR. Mercury is also a problem, as well as chlorine, fluoride (in our water) and bromide (in bread). Those last three replace the iodine that the thyroid is looking for, so if you can avoid those, it should help. The mercury will come out as you kill any bad gut bugs, and then do methylation treatment (folate and B12 and co-factors).
Hi @Calendonia,

Thank you so much for your reply.

If you can manage it, it would be easier if you could run your same 23andme file through http://geneticgenie.org/ and narrow down the amount of SNPs.

I thought that "more info was better", so I had posted the MTHFRSupport SNPs list. I do have the Genetic Genie report and have attached a snapshot of the SNPs they provided.

part 3 - HLA +/+ may want to try avoiding gluten if you don't already
Our family has been on the GAPS diet for a year, so we are completely off of gluten and grains.

When I search the MTHFRSupport report, there are several hits for "HLA". Are some of them more important than others? They are listed in different groups.

part 2 - ACE Del 16 +/+ may have problems with hypertension and cardiovascular disease. may want avoid excessive salt.
Up until a couple of years ago, I never had any blood pressure issues. When I'm very stressed, it now goes to 140/70s-ish. I was on levothyroxine alone for the majority of the past 12 years. I switched to NDT last year, but the hypertension started before that.

part 3 - you have three thyroid genes, so that would corroborate thyroid disease (also MTHFR C677T would too)
My thyroid disease hit when I was 32 after the birth of my first child. Unfortunately, after I got married, I lost a lot of my formerly good habits (exercise and relaxation) and handling stress well (read: wedding, out-of-state move, first-time homeowner, working full-time, oh... and a baby!) I wonder if that was the "perfect storm".

part 3 - PEMT rs4646406, I have this same one, but it's listed with the risk allele T, so AA is -/-. Not sure why yours is reporting the opposite, or if I made an error on mine.

Anyway, this would affect folate and choline metabolism (from SNPedia):
[PMID 19737740] Associations of folate and choline metabolism gene polymorphisms with orofacial clefts
[PMID 21429654] Polymorphic variants of folate and choline metabolism genes and the risk of endometriosis-associated infertility

Hmmm... this report is from last summer, so maybe it was a translation error back then? Maybe I should contact Sterling? If it was a mistranslation, would the choline metabolism not be an issue? [I have a separate post where I tagged you, and I think my choline levels were good... not sure].

I've been able to heal my autoimmune thyroiditis (same as Hashi's) with methylation treatment. I'm off my med and all my labs are normal.
Oh, how I wish I could get off of these meds! I know everyone is different, but how long did it take you to heal your AI thyroiditis, and did your antibodies go to zero? Is that how you know it's healed?

According to Ben Lynch 99% of people with thyroid problems have MTHFR. Mercury is also a problem, as well as chlorine, fluoride (in our water) and bromide (in bread). Those last three replace the iodine that the thyroid is looking for, so if you can avoid those, it should help. The mercury will come out as you kill any bad gut bugs, and then do methylation treatment (folate and B12 and co-factors).

We filter our chlorine and fluoride at the fridge (carbon filter from Friends of Water, but I don't know how to determine if the fluoride is really gone).

On that other post, I listed my NutrEval and Genova Stool tests. I don't know if the toxic metals would be accurate, since it didn't involve a provocation.

Words cannot express how thankful I am for your help! :angel:


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