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2017 CFSAC Summary


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Thank you for your nice summary of the committee members and how they are approaching their work. Reading this from a long way away it was nice to get a feeling for the committee.

What are they tasked with doing and what did they accomplish? What is the work ahead of them in the coming year or five? And how can we patients support this effort?


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
Thank you for your nice summary of the committee members and how they are approaching their work. Reading this from a long way away it was nice to get a feeling for the committee.

What are they tasked with doing and what did they accomplish? What is the work ahead of them in the coming year or five? And how can we patients support this effort?
They made some recommendations. I forget what. All good.

Most of their talk was about physician education, increasing or continuing collaboration, and getting the DA to fix their issues in what they communicate about the disease.

There was lots of talk about whether they should target family care physicians or specialists (what specialty they weren't sure) with an education program.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Family care physicians aren't up to the task. Immunologists, infectious disease docs, endocrinologists? Or, better yet, functional medicine docs?