2014 Chalder chapter on CFS


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
And before that, moral failings.

Not to mentions heathens, pagans, infidels, the French, the Irish, the British, the thieving tinkers, commies under the bed, and those in league with Lucifer. The history of the world is a history of scapegoating. In terms of illness, its been variously considered to be demonic, or due to curses from witches, or foul miasma from swamps, or a punishment from God, or due to the frailty of women. A lot of the time if people don't know stuff they make it up. If they think it might be true, and it fits their prejudices, then they promote it as true.

Shamanistic medicine men used to drill holes in skulls to let the evil spirits out. What else could be causing headaches?

Its been a long fight to bring the world to an age of reason ... and we are still not there.

Psychogenic psychiatry invokes magic, though they would never call it that. They have lots of florid rhetoric to explain why, but no sound evidence. Personally I don't want magical thinking, I want a cure.
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