I don't know if this information is out on this website somewhere but I thought I would post it just in case. There is $2.1 BILLION allocated to HHS from the American Recovery/Reinvestment Act. Now, do we believe that any of this money would go for CFIDS research? Do we think that any of this money would go for XMRV research?
Am I off base here? Thoughts on this please.
AND, if I'm not off base, to whom should we send this information to and to whom should we possibly complain about this waste of money (if they don't use if for CFIDS). I already sent this on to the Whittemore-Peterson Institute to make sure they were aware of funds. I'm sure they must know but...too much money to let go of.
-United States Senator Claire McCaskill-
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Resource Guide
The following information about funding included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was compiled by the Office of Senator Claire McCaskill. This document is intended to provide the public with basic information regarding potential federal assistance and funding opportunities. Please contact the appropriate federal and state agencies for detailed information. Note: Not all applicable programs are included; the following information is subject to change; and additional requirements, restrictions and guidance may apply.
Clearinghouse of government information: www.usa.gov
How to apply for federal contracts: www.fbo.gov
How to find federal jobs: www.usajobs.opm.gov
How to apply for federal grants: www.grants.gov
How to access various federal benefits: www.govbenefits.gov
Prevention and Wellness Program
$1 billion was included for the Department of Health and Human Services for evidence based clinical and community prevention and wellness programs, section 317 immunization programs and healthcare associated infections reduction strategies.
Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Type: Competitive Grants
Description: Funds will be used to carry out evidenced based clinical and community-based prevention and wellness strategies and public health workforce development activities, including immunization programs and state efforts to reduce healthcare-related infections. The Department has not decided which agencies will take the lead but the CDC is likely to be central to these efforts.
Purpose: To support state and local efforts to fight preventable chronic diseases and infectious diseases.
Website: www.cdc.govwww.hhs.gov
Comparative Effectiveness Health Research
$1.1 billion was included for HHS, the Agency on Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and NIH
Agency: Agency on Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and National Institutes ofHealth (NIH) - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Type: Competitive Grants
Purpose: To compare the effectiveness of different medical treatments
Description: This funding will be used to conduct or support research to evaluate and compare clinical outcomes, effectiveness, risk, and benefits of two or more medical treatments and services that address a particular medical condition. This research will not be used to mandate coverage decisions or impose one-size-fits-all medicine on patients. $300 million will be administered by AHRQ, $400 million will be transferred to NIH, and $400 million will be allocated at the discretion of the Secretary of HHS.Website: www.ahrq.gov www.nih.gov
Phone: (301) 427-1364 (AHRQ)