12th Invest in ME International ME Conference 2017 registration is open

Jo Best

Senior Member
Posted today on the website of the Quadram Institute, the building opening next year, which the current translational biomedical research programme of the Invest in ME Research Centre of Excellence for ME will move into: https://quadram.ac.uk/qi-invest-research-conference/

QI at Invest in ME Research Conference
31st May 2017

Researchers from the Quadram Institute are attending the Invest in Me Research International Conference on Friday 2nd June.

The conference is highlighting biomedical research and future directions into understanding the causes of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). It is the 12th conference, organised by the independent charity Invest in ME Research, and will bring together scientists, clinicians, patient groups and other healthcare professionals.

Professor Ian Charles, director of the Quadram Institute, will give the opening keynote speech, on a Centre of Excellence for ME Research. Professor Simon Carding from the Quadram Institute is also speaking, on research at QI into the gut microbiota and ME. Other speakers are drawn from the ME biomedical research community across the world, including speakers from the US National Instutes of Health

Students from QI and partners on the Norwich Research Park are also attending, taking part in Q+A sessions and speaking about the ongoing research into ME in Norwich at the Quadram Institute stand.

Tickets for the conference have now sold out, however a DVD of the conference will be available to purchase.

Source: https://quadram.ac.uk/qi-invest-research-conference/