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[12-9-18] -- Dr. Joseph Mercola's Interviews Judy Mikovitz Re: Retroviruses


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Just ran across an article and 1-hour video interview Joseph Mercola did with Judy Mikovitz on retroviruses, including XMRV. I haven't read the article, or watched the video yet, but am looking forward to doing so.

I know there's a lot of conflicting sentiments about both of these individuals, but for the most part, I've given each of them the benefit of any doubts that have cropped about both of them. It's seemed to me they both try to carry themselves with honesty and integrity. But of course, that doesn't always mean the "end product" is absolutely correct. Anyway, here's the article:

Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Disease -- Written by Dr. Joseph Mercola
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Senior Member
I scrolled to the bottom of the article first, and it appears to be just advertising copy for a book. Everyone will make their own decision, of course, but I decided not to read it.


Senior Member
Suramin in the treatment of AIDS: mechanism of action.

Suramin is a potent inhibitor of the reverse transcriptase (RNA-directed DNA polymerase) of retroviruses, including the HTLV-III/LAV (human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus) reverse transcriptase. Although suramin is far from specific as a reverse transcriptase inhibitor and known to interact with a multitude of proteins and enzymes, it is able to suppress the replication and cytopathic effect of HTLV-III/LAV at concentrations which are nontoxic for the host cells and readily attainable in humans. Consequently, suramin is also able to block HTLV-III/LAV replication in patients. The mechanism of action of suramin at the molecular biological level, its mode of transport and accumulation by the infected host cells, and the bases for its rather selective virustatic activity remain, to a large extent, to be elucidated.


Senior Member
– I'd just much rather read text, I struggle with video.

If you select the three dots to the right at the bottom of the video, you can get a transcript. ;)

Screenshot_2018-12-12 Dr Mercola Interviews Judy.png