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10-pass Ozone in Europe - clinics, prices


Senior Member
Hi all!
I make this thread for all Europe patients especially, because its hard to find a list of clinics, or doctors, who have 10-pass Ozone machine here in Europe with prices for one session and for another additional support like IV vit. C, IV Glutation, HBOT, atbx...or other...

I myself looking for where it is best make 10-pass Clinic!

I know about:

2 clinics on Cyprus (without prices)
1 clinic in Italy (without prices)
1 clinic in Austria - dr. Lahodny (man behind 10-pass method) , 180EUR 1 session last year

I hope that a brief and clear list will help others too. I will add it, and brief reviews will be great (other treatment support, where to stay for that days, if its a cold plasma ozone generator...)

Next month I will go for it! HBOT helps me a lot, but one flu-like crash made me worse again. I still probably fight in my CFS story mainly with Lyme, maybe with EBV...and oxygen doping definitely helps! i need more!

All best, Martin


Senior Member
Thanks for posting this. I only read about it last night and am interested. Has anyone heard or read that these treatments are not suitable for people with auto immune illnesses.? I have been diagnosed with Lyme and ME but not with auto immune illness. However a few years ago a herbalist suggested I take a supplement called pycnogenol as since I had developed very dry skin. He said it was a good heart tonic also.. It was great for my dry skin but caused a huge worsening of Lyme and or ME symptoms. He said that this indicated an auto immune aspect to my illness. No doctor has said this. I would like to try HBOT but don't want any worsening as I'm very limited in what I can do. Is there a big difference between ozonepass therapy and HBOT.
I'm really glad to see your post to find out more about these treatments.
