Hi, I think that Bateman's opinions re the two subsets are formed by her observations in her clinic. Her opinions re autoimmunity seem to come partly/mainly from her recent reading of the literature.
This post (in another thread) highlights two of the autoimmune research papers that Bateman refers to:
I'm not sure what Bateman's approach to treatment is, or what she considers leads to remission/recovery. I don't know if she prescribes antivirals. But I don't see why autoimmunity and increased viral titres should be mutually exclusive. I'm speculating here, but I would have thought that autoimmunity could disrupt the immune system which could, in turn, lead to the expression (failed suppression) of common viruses. Alternatively, failure to suppress common viruses (for whatever reason) could lead to autoimmunity.
Personally, over the past couple of years, I've been slowly coming round to the idea that ME may have an autoimmune basis that disrupts the immune system and possibly the mitochondria. This might explain why there are lots of different viruses associated with ME (but no single viral cause) and why antivirals have a limited therapeutic effect, and rarely lead to recovery.
If it's an autoimmune disorder leading to disruption of the immune system followed by activation of common viruses, then antivirals may perhaps help with some symptoms and complications caused by viral activation.
But this is all speculation.