1 hour remission, random occurrence of apparent shift in brain chemistry

@Chadwick that is terrible /: I've had this issue for years as well.. it is damn awful and hampers your ability to function and completely diminishes your ability to appear like at least a somewhat intelligent human being. I have had the same thing happen to me! Good luck on your journey :)
@angee111 were you able to figure out what the cause was? I am DYING to figure this out!!

If anyone else has any clue how to defeat this please let me know. I've compiled a list of maybe 30 causes of "brain fog," ranging from the most mainstream medical views (anxiety, depression etc) to highly speculative (chakra/energy imbalance for instance). Going through each one of those thoroughly could take a decade or more. I can't wait that long!!
I found cleaning up my diet and fixing up my adrenal issues helped a lot. I don't eat ANY processed sugar, dairy or gluten. I can tolerate some foods in small amounts (like cheese) but it helps to steer clear from most of them. Also, try finding a doctor that is knowledgable in adrenal issues.. as they can affect your brain clarity very much too.
Hmm sounds good... I've tried gluten free for 6 months to no avail, but couldn't bring myself to drop cheese (dropped all other dairy) and drop sugar... maybe I'll try all three and see what happens. I notice my tongue is pretty thoroughly coated white in the front and patchy white in the back, so maybe there is some fungal/candida thing happening here.

I had the basic adrenal test which came back normal, but of course the internet tells me that a lot of adrenal tests are crap, so I'm banging my head on the wall with that one! Any specific testing that was revelatory to you regarding adrenals??
Green Mountain, NC
I don't see too many mentions of head pressure. This is one of my symptoms, too. In 2013, a pineal cyst was found (the pineal gland is in the center of the brain) and I attributed my head pressure and dizziness to that. However, after alleviating all of those symptoms months later using a ketogenic diet and supplementation, I have recently gone back into head pressure land. Oh, I loathe it. It can really freak me out sometimes if I start imagining what's going on in there to cause such a wonky symptom. The brain fog and disassociation and depression and/or anxiety usually accompany. But, the fact that I relieved all of those awful symptoms for over a year makes me think that it is nutritional/genetic symptoms and not the pineal cyst...


I've just started the Yasko protocol, which states to work on balancing GABA & Glutamate levels before adding in other supplements, but with the ultimate goal being to support methylation pathways. It seems like a long process, but it's worth it to me. It;s been nearly a decade of nutty neuro-inflammation symptoms.

How are you feeling now, @angee111 ?
I've noticed a pattern of fatigue/ brain fog/ insomnia and the 'tired but wired' experience of being physically exhausted but mentally alert (then the reverse). Evenings tend to be clearer times for me mentally, and by normal bedtime e.g. 11-12 I'm tired physically but not ready to sleep usually. The opposite tends to be true the next day: early waking even though I'm physically still tired. Then fatigue/ sleepiness and brain fog throughout the day. I spend the whole day 'trying to wake up'. Then by late evening I tend to feel a bit more normal again. Then the whole pattern repeats. Talk about frustrating....
Perhaps it may be a one off sequence within your brain's neurological make up? After all, the brain is quite a complex cocktail of hormonal secretion, electrical and cellular signalling and.. not to mention the trillions of connections within its network infrastructure.

I wouldn't be surprised if something just clicked into place every once in awhile without any plausible explanation. However, if you do notice a recurring pattern based on the time of day, that may be attributable to melatonin secretions based on the amount of blue light your eyes receive.