toxic mold

  1. Thebirdman333

    URGENT: Anyone in New Mexico? Need help for a friend ASAP!

    I have a friend from New Mexico who is extremely sick and she is looking for some desperate assistance. Her profile: "Living in Albuquerque New Mexico with mecfs suspect that there is a mold problem that I'm dealing with that is exacerbating my symptoms. Looking for help with navigating this...
  2. H

    POLL: Have you been tested for Mycotoxins?

    This directly follows on from this thread which discusses the results of Dr Brewer's study, which showed that 93% of CFS sufferers in his clinic had high levels of mycotoxins in their body, compared to 0% for a healthy control group. I am interested as to whether these results are replicated...
  3. Jwarrior77

    The Causes of ME/CFS, POTS, and Chronic Illness - A patients opinion

    This is my opinion on the causes of these illnesses coming from a patient who suffers from these conditions. My opinion is based on my own experience, research from the top scientists studying this, and also other patients such as Jeff Wood, Jen Brea, and others who have contributed a lot of...
  4. frozenborderline

    Open letter to the Open Medicine foundation

    Just the scant beginnings of a long-term advocacy project I'm working on Re environmental factors in this illness and having the omf address them.