• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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  1. MEsucks

    I need help interpreting a Cytokine Response Profile test! High IL-17A and IL-18, low Th1 and Th2!

    I just got the result from my Cytokine Response Profile test and to me the results seem very strange, I would very much appreciate it if anyone could help me interpret it. I believe my CFS is caused by a chronic coxsackievirus B infection, and the only treatment that has ever had a significant...
  2. F

    Oxymatrine with Grave's Disease

    Hi all, I understand that John Chia recommends against taking Oxymatrine if the patient has an autoimmune disease. So my first question would be: How risky would you say it actually is? (I wonder if there are any people on this forum who have taken Oxymatrine while having autoimmune disease, and...
  3. J

    Oxymatrine, aspartame, gut problems and gluten intolerance

    Hello everybody, I have taken oxymatrine for almost 12 months now and haven't had any side effects. I am not sure if oxymatrine helped me significantly (I have elevated CVB antibodies), but there has been a certain benefit, which is great! Moreover, I take Q10, s acetyl glutathione and sodium...
  4. dreamydays

    Escaping the metabolic trap (IDO)

    I still think the metabolic trap theory has some merit. Robert Phair looked into genetic problems and his current theory is that tryptophan metabolism gets overloaded and we don't have the ability to process it and so we get stuck in a trap. The enzyme which can process it is IDO1, as we lack...
  5. tiredgirl928

    comparing LDN to oxymatrine

    Hi all! I have posted a few times about oxymatrine and LDN before. I trialed LDN and basically it pushed me from moderate CFS to severe CFS. For this reason, I am very nervous to try new treatments, especially since many things make us worse before we get better. I am afraid I just don't have it...
  6. X

    Equilibrant/Oxymatrine use: what is seen as autoimmune?

    Is this seen as autoimmune and Equilibrant/Oxymatrine can't be used? Celltrend results: https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/severe-ill-case-from-germany.59101/page-2#post-1008617
  7. T

    Oxymatrine WORKS, But Horrendous Migraines

    I've been on and off Equilibrant and Oxymatrine (Alternative Medicine Solutions bottle) for about 4 years now. I am extremely lucky in the fact that it works well for me. I was taking the max dose for a couple of years and getting daily crippling migraines and could not figure out what was...