leighton barnden

  1. C

    Alteration of Cortical Volume and Thickness in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Thapaliya et al, 2022)

    Authors Kiran Thapaliya, Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik, Donald Staines, Jiasheng Su, Leighton Barnden Abstract Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) patients suffer from neurocognitive impairment. In this study, we investigated cortical volumetric and thickness changes in...
  2. Pyrrhus

    Volumetric differences in hippocampal subfields and associations with clinical measures in ME/CFS (Thapaliya et al., 2022)

    Volumetric differences in hippocampal subfields and associations with clinical measures in ME/CFS (Thapaliya et al., 2022) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jnr.25048 From the team of Dr. Kiran Thapaliya, Leighton Barnden, Donald Staines, and Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik. The...
  3. Pyrrhus

    ICC vs. Fukuda: Diffusion tensor imaging results differ based on diagnostic criteria (Thapaliya et al., 2021)

    Diffusion tensor imaging reveals neuronal microstructural changes in ME/CFS (Thapaliya et al., 2021) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ejn.15413 From Dr. Kiran Thapaliya and Leighton Barnden, along with Donald Staines and Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik. What is Diffusion Tensor Imaging...
  4. leokitten

    A systematic review of neurological impairments in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome using neuroimaging techniques

    This is a pretty well done and thorough review paper, makes for a good reference to find papers you might've read long ago on particular neuroimaging studies of ME. While most, if not all, the neuroimaging studies in ME had fairly small sample sizes (due to abysmal ME funding!) and most used...
  5. Murph

    Hyperintense sensorimotor T1 spin echo MRI is associated with brainstem abnormality in CFS

    Neuroimage Clin. 2018;20:102-109. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2018.07.011. Epub 2018 Jul 11. Hyperintense sensorimotor T1 spin echo MRI is associated with brainstem abnormality in chronic fatigue syndrome. Barnden LR1, Shan ZY2, Staines DR3, Marshall-Gradisnik S4, Finegan K5, Ireland T6, Bhuta S7...
  6. Cheesus

    Decreased connectivity and increased BOLD complexity in the default mode network in individuals with

    Decreased connectivity and increased BOLD complexity in the default mode network in individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome Dr. Zack Y Shan, Mr. Kevin Finegan, Dr. Sandeep Bhuta, Mr. Timothy Ireland, Prof. Donald R Staines, Prof. Sonya M Marshall-Gradisnik, and Dr. Leighton R Barnden. Brain...