
  1. SWAlexander

    Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

    Mast cells are found throughout the body and play a complex and critical role in immune response and keeping people healthy. However, when these cells become altered or activate inappropriately to specific triggers, they can create symptoms throughout the body. While mast cell activation...
  2. nerd

    The Presentation of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is Not Influenced by the Presence or Absence of Joint Hypermobility

    Authors: Sarah K Vogel, Isabelle R Primavera, Colleen L Marden, Samantha E Jasion, Erica M Cranston, Marissa A K Flaherty, Richard L Violand, Peter C Rowe Published: September 16, 2021 PMID: 34537220 doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2021.09.014 Abstract
  3. Pyrrhus

    Vascular Compression: Summary of Discussions

    I thought I'd start a thread to summarize the discussions about vascular compression and any possible relation to impaired collagen. Here's an interesting comment from another thread:
  4. Jwarrior77

    The Causes of ME/CFS, POTS, and Chronic Illness - A patients opinion

    This is my opinion on the causes of these illnesses coming from a patient who suffers from these conditions. My opinion is based on my own experience, research from the top scientists studying this, and also other patients such as Jeff Wood, Jen Brea, and others who have contributed a lot of...
  5. P

    Role of EZH2 in ME/ CFS and POTS

    Hi, I have been a silent reader of this forum for many years. During the past couple of months, I often had to think about a study from Australia. There, it is said, that POTS (at least in a subgroup) is caused by an epigenetic malfunction of the NE-Transporter. This epigenetic malfunction can...
  6. H

    Looking for EDS specialist in Germany

    I have a diagnosis of CCI/AAI from Dr. G. I am slightly hypermobil (4/9 of Beighton Score). Seeking to get a proper diagnosis, whether EDS is part of my issues or not. Does anyone know an EDS expert in Germany (south)?
  7. nyanko_the_sane

    Connecting the Dots with EDS in Managing Pain w/Dr. Pradeep Chopra

    These Posts Have Been Moved from: https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/jen-brea-on-whether-some-of-us-might-be-mis-diagnosed-eds-patients.75684/page-2 Connecting the Dots with EDS in Managing Pain w/Dr. Pradeep Chopra Not sure how this great webinar got past us, but I am posting it here...