
  1. Whit

    Abilify + Levodopa?

    I don't know much about Levodopa or L-dopa, but I know it is theorized that Abilify works by increasing Dopamine. which I feel may be true because when it worked for me I felt like I was in a manic state. I worked constantly (within my energy limits, which were higher when Abilify was working...
  2. D

    Has anybody who has had success with Abilify tried Zonegran?

    I was exploring possible treatments for myoclonic jerks, which a lot of us from, and I came across Zonisamide or Zonegran. It has an interesting affect on microglia and dopamine. Zonisamide (Zonegran) has several effects on microglial activation and dopamine in Parkinson's disease: 1...
  3. lyran

    Why it takes so long for dopamine to convert into noradrenaline?

    I have noticed that everytime I take a supplement that increases dopamine (for example l-tyrosine, NADH) I get the dopamine boost after one hour of taking the supplement but it takes 5-6 hours to increase noradrenaline. I think I'm low in noradrenaline as it usually has so pronounced effects on...
  4. C

    Me/Cfs caused by low dopamine / dopamine dyshomeostasis?

    Abilify, Rexulti, Vraykar Benzodiazepines LDN Carnitine Thiamine (high dose) These drugs and supplements are helpful to subgroups with mecfs, they all have effects on the dopamine system. BH4 is supposedly implicated in mecfs according to Ron Davis, it is involved in dopamine metabolism...
  5. MarkRichardson

    ME sufferers prone to Akathisia?

    I was just watching a video on Akathisia (a sense of doom, restlessness, struggling to keep still and wanting to jump out of your own skin) and apparently Encephalitis can cause Akathisia. Does this then mean Myalgic Encephalitis sufferers could suffer from Akathasia? Regardless of wether they...
  6. C

    A Cartography of Differential Gene Methylation in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Different Network Roles i... (Wilberforce, 2021)

    A Cartography of Differential Gene Methylation in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Different Network Roles in the Protein-Protein Interactions Network Play Different, Biologically Relevant, Roles Abstract Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), is...
  7. leokitten

    Can’t or Won’t? Immunometabolic Constraints on Dopaminergic Drive. Treadway MT et al. Trends Cogn Sci. (2019)

    Interesting review of research on the impact of inflammation on the dopamine system as well as a theoretical model and computational method trying to connect it all. Could be a hypothesis as to why Abilify and dopaminergic agents have some partial efficacy in ME, even if it is temporary (so...