• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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david bell

  1. frozenborderline

    A radical proposal or two for ME/CFS treatment. Based on similarities btwn this and sepsis/shock

    So I agree with david bell's work about low blood volume in ME/CFS and also how the disease resembles a less emergent, slower sepsis or septic/hyoovolemic shock with adaptations that make it barely livable. Not just low blood volume, there is often high Lactate especially after activity, and...