b vitamins

  1. forbius

    The (very subjective) very best and the worst of the B's

    I decided for a reason to delete this post. Apologies to those who were hoping to read it, I may add it again later.
  2. B

    Cofactors & Their Necessity: A Dicussion

    I detailed in my first thread how I came down with severe ME/CFS symptoms starting in November 2022 which for the next year or so would continuously evolve in intensity to the point of me being relieved of most of my major bodily functions by summer 2023. I however found a lifeline solution in...
  3. Jwarrior77

    Why do some B vitamins make me extremely tired?

    So this is a puzzle that I'm trying to figure out. Before I got sick I could drink 3 energy drinks full of b vitamins and be totally fine. Now I can't take a low dose b complex without either going into a coma or having some bizarre fight or flight reaction. Literally a couple months after...