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What tests/blood work would be a good start with MTHFR?

Las Vegas, Nevada
I stumbled upon a thread in 23andme about MTHFR that described so many health issues I have had, that I haven't been able to feel better with cleaning up my diet. After running my raw data through geneticgenie.com I got the below results.

Methylation SNP’s

+ / + MTHFR C677T, MTRR A66G, AHCY-01, AHCY-02, AHCY-19

+ / - COMT V158M, VDR Bsm, VDR Taq, MAO A R297R, MTRR 4664A, BHMT-02, BHMT-02, BHMT-04, BHMT-08

Detox SNP’s

+ / + CYP1B1 L432V, SOD2 A16V

+ / - CYP1A2 164A<3, CYP2CP*2 C430T, CYP2D6 2850<T, NAT2 I114T

A few weeks ago I started methyl B12 and methyl folate. At first it gave me a lot of energy and knocked me out of a fog I was in. I'm starting to get that wired and tired feeling again. I also recently came out of a year of many major life events and have adrenal fatigue. I would do anything to just sleep for a solid week..lol I'm sure many people here for the same way!!

My question is what would be the best tests, without going bankrupt, to run first based on my mutations? None of the tests will be covered under insurance and I don't have anyone to work with me on this, so I will be going at it on my own.

I have a history of always being sick with strep, laryngitis, varyngitis, bronchitis, sinus infections, UTI, yeast infection and took more rounds of antibiotics than I care to admit. About 10 years ago started cleaning up my diet, seeing a nutritionist and naturopath's. Got off refined sugar, milk, gluten and soy for the most part. These changes have helped, but I still find myself wore out. I'm now 5 years antibiotic free just from staying away from doctors, cleaning up my diet and taking supplements. I became a certified nutritionist a couple years ago and recently got certified as a personal trainer. I help people get fit and learn healthy/clean eating habits. My concern started to grow when I wasn't progressing in my workouts. I should be able to run at least a half marathon by now, but my body just breaks down and I didn't understand. Then in my personal training studies I read about the Kreb's and ATP PC energy cycle and thought to myself, there is something wrong with my energy cycle???!!! Two weeks later I learned about MTHFR and interestingly have mutations with AHCY which has to do with ATP. Amazing how the doors open like that! I have added more amino acids to my shakes. I'm thinking I should definitely get a homocysteine test? Oh and my whole family has a history of dying in their 70's from heart disease. My cholesterol always ran in 190's or more until recently when I started drinking a daily shake that claimed to lower cholesterol. Now it's in the 160's.

Any guidance would be awesome!

Thank you in advance:)

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Your homocysteine looks low.
Your methionine cycle is completely destroyed.

I would recommend a couple hb12 shots. Maybe like ~1000ug weekly for 6 weeks.
Very low dose active folate. ~200mcg /day on an empty stomach. maybe even every other day.
P5P ~ 1 Pill / day
Methionine (most important)

See how that goes.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Thank you for your reply. I believe you were trying to chat me, but I'm new to this site and was on the phone.

Won't taking B12 and B6 lower my homocysteine? What SNP's shows that it's low? I thought MTHFR C677T means the homocysteine is high.

What do you mean by my methionine cycle being "destroyed"? What symptoms would I have?

I'm guessing the P5P should be active form?

I dont know about B6 effectively lowering homocysteine.
You need some methylfolate for your body, B12 is just to make sure You dont get serious neurological issues when taking it.
Your AHCY is working very poorly resulting in high SAH and low homocysteine. Your SAMe must be critically low.

You wrote that you have insomnia, correct?
SAMe (which will form from methionine) should make it better.
Also your cfs-symtoms should get better.

Ps: Have potassium checked.
And have your homocystein checked before u start supplementing. If homo doesnt turn out low that would be great. Then u mustnt take methionine.
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Senior Member
@Gandalf However he mentioned that although mB12 and methylfolate gave her energy at first, then she was feeling tired and wired again. Why is that? I have the same problem
I think in her case specifically, she was already low on homo, then when supplementing she gained SAMe using homo, making her feel better. But then her homo got so low, that this was causing issues.
Of course I dont know. But based on her mutations, this seems most plausible to me.


Senior Member
@Gandalf Every case is differener ofcourse but I would compare this to my case where i had similar symptoms (feeling wired and at the same time exhausted and tired) plus insomnia and all these symptoms were increased by exercising. When I tried mb12 (just mb12 nothing else) it gave my extreme energy boost and mood improvement since day one. Thats was a boost I have never experienced in my life. That happened with 1mcg of mb12 per day for 4 weeks. Then after that I started having problems sleeping again because I was feeling wired, however my mood remained boosted. I also had a symptom that I do not know how to describe it properly in english "at some moments througt the day my heart had really massive SINGLE PUMP that was shaking my chest. That could happen lets say twice per day. When I started mb12 these incidents were extinguisted and I had developed increased acme which is due to homocysteine flashing out (as I read somewhere) Also that hearting pumping could be due to high homocysteine, unfortunatly I did not made a homo test before starting supplementation. However I stopped mb12 for now as I am awaiting the complete quarter for delivery in order to start new trials.
@Gandalf Every case is differener ofcourse but I would compare this to my case where i had similar symptoms (feeling wired and at the same time exhausted and tired) plus insomnia and all these symptoms were increased by exercising. When I tried mb12 (just mb12 nothing else) it gave my extreme energy boost and mood improvement since day one. Thats was a boost I have never experienced in my life. That happened with 1mcg of mb12 per day for 4 weeks. Then after that I started having problems sleeping again because I was feeling wired, however my mood remained boosted. I also had a symptom that I do not know how to describe it properly in english "at some moments througt the day my heart had really massive SINGLE PUMP that was shaking my chest. That could happen lets say twice per day. When I started mb12 these incidents were extinguisted and I had developed increased acme which is due to homocysteine flashing out (as I read somewhere) Also that hearting pumping could be due to high homocysteine, unfortunatly I did not made a homo test before starting supplementation. However I stopped mb12 for now as I am awaiting the complete quarter for delivery in order to start new trials.
Sounds like you may benefit from potassium. Have you tried it yet?
Was your mood really good? Or were you just more energetic?
Also, maybe you were overmethylated.