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"Unrest" updates

Old Bones

Senior Member
Here's the first article about "Unrest" from SXSW in Austin, Texas:

SXSW Film: “Unrest” Examines Pain-Riddled Life With Chronic Fatigue


Not much of a review, merely calling the film an "unflinching debut", with the following:

"Fraught with honesty, “Unrest” gives us a raw and up-close look at how a chronic illness can impact a relationship."


Senior Member
@Sasha Sorry if I missed it but is there a schedule for future showings of "Unrest" in different cities or is this not available yet?


Fine, thank you
@Sasha Sorry if I missed it but is there a schedule for future showings of "Unrest" in different cities or is this not available yet?

No, I don't think they're at that stage yet. For now, I think they're touting the film around various festivals and that a proper theatrical release is a later stage. (I think the festivals are maybe for finding distributors.)


Senior Member
I think Jen has said that that information will be available later - it isn't sorted out yet.

I misread that as - it isn't snorted out yet - which almost made me snort out my coffee, so thanks for giving me my first laugh for the day!

Also, thanks for the updates, it's very encouraging to hear about the screenings and about how well the film is being received. Little morsels of hope, that we all need.


Fine, thank you
Check unrest.film for the screening schedule. It's going to film festivals in N.C., Denmark, and Colorado. Anyone can also work with the filmmakers to arrange community screenings. And it will be broadcast on PBS in early 2018.


Thanks, I'd misunderstood the situation - so it won't get screened unless we arrange screenings?

Do you know how we can see the film ourselves so that we can decide whether we want to organise screenings? I've got huge respect for Jen and I'm sure that's widespread but I think a lot of people would want to know what's in the film before they commit to such a big undertaking as organising a screening. As a UK person I'd also want to be sure that it would be suitable for a UK audience.


Senior Member
Check unrest.film for the screening schedule. It's going to film festivals in N.C., Denmark, and Colorado. Anyone can also work with the filmmakers to arrange community screenings. And it will be broadcast on PBS in early 2018.

So it will be shown in NC, Denmark & Colorado and then not until on PBS in 2018 unless someone organizes a screening in another city? Is this correct? I just want to make sure I understand! Thanks!

Old Bones

Senior Member
So it will be shown in NC, Denmark & Colorado and then not until on PBS in 2018 unless someone organizes a screening in another city? Is this correct? I just want to make sure I understand! Thanks!

@Gingergrrl I've been monitoring the "Unrest" schedule on a daily basis, watching for news of the Canadian premiere.

Based on what I've seen, and on visiting the websites for various film festivals, each one has a period during which film makers apply to have their film screened. The successful films are announced not too long before each festival starts.

So, I think it is very likely we will hear of additional screenings at other festivals as the year progresses. The "Unrest" crew is an experienced group. I trust them to do their best in this first stage of rolling out the film -- getting it screened in as many high-profile venues as possible before moving to the next step.

But, it is hard to wait for our opportunity!


Senior Member
The Danish newspaper "Information" has Unrest on their front page today.

A nice article about the documentary which includes an interview with the Norwegian professor and paediatrician Kristian Sommerfelt from Haukeland University Hospital. Professor Sommerfelt will be at the expert panel discussing ME after the viewing tomorrow in Copenhagen. He is very knowledgable on ME and a great communicator. I've been SO curious on who would be in that panel and was relieved to see his name. Whoever decided to invite him, made a good choice.

Google-translation of the article.