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Unrefreshing sleep...what do you all take to help feel more rested


Senior Member
North Carolina
This is my second worse symptom other than the chronic exhaustion. I am wondering what is good for a more restful sleep. I wake up every single day feeling tired and totally unrested. Starting off this way every morning I have no hope of having a somewhat good day.
I have been taking lunesta for 5 years and it helps me sleep mostly through the night but it apparently isn't giving me a good sleep.

I have tried everything and it all gives me terrible hangovers but I think I will have to try them all again.. I don't try them for very long and maybe that is the problem.What has worked? Help.....

I have tried trazadone, remeron, elavil, gabitril, ambien, flexerell. I know there are others...Thanks


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Alpha-Stim / Earthing

I have tried everything and it all gives me terrible hangovers but I think I will have to try them all again.. I don't try them for very long and maybe that is the problem.What has worked? Help..... I have tried trazadone, remeron, elavil, gabitril, ambien, flexerell. I know there are others...Thanks

Hi Soxfan,

I myself don't do well with prescriptions of just about any kind. I used clonazepam for many years to help with sleep, but eventually felt I should wean myself off of that. I was able to do so, initially by using a micro-current device called alpha-stim. This was approved by the USDA about 30 years ago for insomnia, anxiety, depression, etc.

Another thing that also helped was starting to use some "earthing" products. I believe earthing helps me reduce a lot of inflammation in my body, and helps me sleep better. It seems to be the almost universal benefit of those who use these products.

I and others have posted on both alpha-stim and earthing. A quick search should take you to some relevant threads if you would want to research it a bit. I also do a bit of "tapping", based on both "EFT" and "The Cortices Technique". Sometimes tapping works quite well; other times I don't notice much difference.

I hope you can find something that works well for you. It feels sort of exhausting however to go through so much trial and error. Persistence can sometimes pay off; but it sure is a lot of work!

Best, Wayne


Senior Member
Have you done a sleep study for apnea ?
If you tend to have a clogged/stuffy nose for any reason, a neti pot or breathing strips might help.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Have you done a sleep study for apnea ?
If you tend to have a clogged/stuffy nose for any reason, a neti pot or breathing strips might help.

Yes, it's important to get checked out for sleep disorders such as apnea.

The only thing i've ever used to help me sleep is Clonazepam, but it might just be good for sleeping, and not for 'refreshing' sleep.


Senior Member
North Carolina
I had a sleep study done last summer...no sleep apnea. I sleep mostly through the night but wake up totally unrefreshed. I am waiting to hear back from my doctor on what I could try...I have no stuffy nose or anything like that. Just unrefreshed when I wake up in the mornings.

Thanks Wayne for your suggestions..I have never heard of either one before so I will definately check that out too.


senior member
Concord, NH
I had a sleep study done last summer...no sleep apnea. I sleep mostly through the night but wake up totally unrefreshed. I am waiting to hear back from my doctor on what I could try...I have no stuffy nose or anything like that. Just unrefreshed when I wake up in the mornings.

Thanks Wayne for your suggestions..I have never heard of either one before so I will definately check that out too.

My Drs office rents out the Alpha-Stim for $100/month, which can be used towards purchase. I tried this for a month when I was going thru a major flare up!


PS I could probably use my credit towards a purchase for you, if you want, they cost about $500, last I knew.